PhD position in governance of medical technology - Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management

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PhD position in governance of medical technology - Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management

We are recruiting a PhD candidate for a project on the governance of medical technology in the Netherlands. The development of medical technology, for example software using ‘big data’ or predictive algorithms, has far-reaching implications for the governance of health care. Various new players are entering the healthcare market, responsibilities become dispersed, and the distinction between sectors is blurred by the relocation of care to home. Conventional means of regulating these new technologies may not be feasible, nor sufficient to guarantee the quality, accessibility and affordability of technology in healthcare.

Deadline Published on Vacancy ID ESHPM-11-06-2020

Academic fields


Job types


Education level

University graduate

Weekly hours

38 hours per week

Salary indication

€2395—€3061 per month


Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062PA, Rotterdam

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Job description

In the Netherlands, the National Health Care Institute (Zorginstituut Nederland) maintains the quality, accessibility and affordability of health care. This role involves the tasks of improving the quality of health care services, clarifying the contents of the standard health care benefit package and stimulating appropriate care. This research project aims to examine how this crucial institute is performing these tasks in light of the development of medical technology.

To answer these questions, you will first perform a critical interpretive synthesis of literature on the governance of medical technology with for example quality standards, health technology assessment and societal weighing. Second, you will explore the role of the National Health Care Institute with regard to the development and deployment of new medical technology through analyzing documents and doing expert-interviews on several cases, and by interviews with external stakeholders (patients, citizens, medical professionals, policymakers, health insurers, and politicians). Third, a multiple case-study of medical technology in the Medical Delta program will explore the need for new means of regulation. Fourth, you will apply in an action-research (fourth and final part) for governance of medical innovations at the National Health Care Institute.

You will be based at the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management. Your supervisor is Prof. Antoinette de Bont and Prof. Diana Delnoij. Your supervisor will give guidance about opportunities to present your work in scientific articles and at conferences, to take courses, to arrange a research visit abroad, and to liaise with policymakers.

Finally, you will teach in the education programmes at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (about 15% of your time).


You are expected to have a master degree in health science, sociology, innovation science or science & technology studies (STS). The position requires advanced qualitative analytical skills. Therefore, you need to have experience with qualitative research. Moreover, you must have excellent English communication and writing skills. Since the cases you study will be in the Netherlands, sufficient ability to speak and read in Dutch – or being willing to acquire this skill – is necessary.

Conditions of employment

We offer an appointment as PhD student for a period of 1.5 year, which will be extended with a second term of 2.5 years if the candidate performs well. Remuneration will be according to the PhD scales set by the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO NU), and will range from € 2.395 per month in the first year to € 3.061 per month in the fourth year (gross amounts, in case of fulltime employment). The EUR has attractive employment conditions, which include a holiday allowance of 8.0%, an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% and up to 41 days paid time off. Substantial tax benefits apply to non-Dutch citizens, conditional on permission granted by the Dutch Tax Office. Applicants should have the right to work in the Netherlands for the duration of the contract.

Fulltime is considered to be 38 hours per week.

The starting date will be determined together with the candidate.


Erasmus University Rotterdam

The Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), named after Rotterdam-born humanist and theologian Erasmus, is a research university with a strong international orientation and a pronounced social focus, both in its education and research activities. On the lively, modern campus, more than 28.000 students and scholars of more than 100 nationalities are constantly encouraged to develop their talents and meet their ambition. Our more than 2700 scientists and employees work together with all our students to solve challenges faced by global society, drawing their inspiration from the consistently dynamic and cosmopolitan city of Rotterdam. The academic education offered at our faculties is intensive, engaging and strongly focused on practical application. We increasingly perform our research in multidisciplinary teams, which are closely interwoven with international networks. In terms of research impact and the quality of its degree programmes, EUR can compete with the foremost universities in Europe, which is reflected in its consistent top-100 position in most major universities rankings. Erasmus University Rotterdam’s key values are daring, curiosity, social involvement, breaking new ground and striving for success. More information can be found on


Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM)

Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) is part of Erasmus University Rotterdam and is responsible for a bachelor and four master programs on policy and management in healthcare, which serve 1000 students. In addition, research is being done on three major research themes: ‘competition and regulation in healthcare’, ‘quality and efficiency in healthcare’ and ‘healthcare management’. ESHPM has about 175 employees. The position offered is within the Health Care Governance section. This section studies the new roles, position and identities of practitioners, patients and regulators, and how they interact and steer healthcare.The basis is a reflective engagement with healthcare (regulatory) practices. The health care governance section is specialized in ethnographic and discursive research methods. Leading researchers – Roland Bal, Antoinette de Bont, Diana Delnoij, Ian Leistikow, Pauline Meurs, Kim Putters – all have extensive networks in healthcare practice and in academia, both nationally and internationally. The section has a affiliation with the research schools Science, Technology and Modern Culture, and the Netherlands Institute of Governance, and collaborations with academic departments in the Netherlands and internationally, make for a strong academic context.

National Health Care Institute (Zorginstituut Nederland)

The National Health Care Institute (Zorginstituut Nederland) is a non-departmental government organization that carries out tasks relating to two Dutch statutory health insurance schemes: the Health Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet) and the Long-Term Care Act (Wet langdurige Zorg, Wlz). The Institute’s role in maintaining the quality, accessibility and affordability of health care in the Netherlands involves the following tasks:

  • Advising on and clarifying the contents of the standard health care benefit package
  • Stimulating good health care by helping all the parties involved to continually improve health care quality and also by helping patients find their way to high quality care.
  • Managing the health insurance funds and dividing the premium funds among health insurers (risk equalisation) and health care liaison offices.
  • Examining systematically the degree to which care in the insured package is used appropriately. The key is to identify and combat ineffective and/or unnecessary care.

Application procedure

For more information about this position, please contact Antoinette de Bont at
You may apply for this position until august 15, 2020 by sending your application to: Applications should contain two reference letters and a proof of writing skills (e.g. a master’s thesis, article, book or chapter).

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Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) is a highly ranked, international university, based in the dynamic and diverse city of Rotterdam, with its port acting as a gateway to the world.

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