PhD student Preference assessment for a Full Benefit HTA Decision-Making Framework (1.0 fte)

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PhD student Preference assessment for a Full Benefit HTA Decision-Making Framework (1.0 fte)

Description of the project Preference studies have been conducted within health for decades and there is a strong drive towards including patient preferences in Health Technology Assessments (HTAs). However, several fundamental methodological and procedural research questions remain. These need to be addressed before HTA stakeholders are able and willing to trust preference study outcomes and include these outcomes in their policy decision making. Questions relate to external validity, internal validity (including data quality assessments), as well as transferability of preference study outcomes. This PhD position will contribute to a larger project called ‘Erasmus Initiative - Smarter Choices for Better Health - Evaluation of Health Care’. This project aims to improve existing frameworks for health care evaluation. Besides the methodological and procedural aspects of measuring preferences, that theme line has two other focus areas. First, measuring benefits beyond the quality-adjusted life year (QALY). Currently, benefits from interventions are measured by gains QALYs, while interventions may also benefit patients in terms of their well-being. Second, policy-related preconditions for moving to a full-benefit HTA decision making framework will be investigated. Currently, methods used in health care to evaluate health care interventions are insensitive to distributional considerations, while health inequalities may exist because patients respond differentially to healthcare interventions or because they fail to participate or adhere to treatments and recommendations.

Deadline Gepubliceerd op Vacature ID ESHPM20220114

Academic fields

Gedrag en maatschappij; Gezondheid; Economie

Job types


Education level


Weekly hours

38 uur per week

Salary indication

€2443—€3122 per maand


Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062PA, Rotterdam

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As part of the research group, the PhD candidate will be involved in all research areas of the project but will focus on studies around methodological aspects of preference studies and in particular Discrete Choice Experiments (DCEs). DCEs have been widely applied in health care to measure preferences of patients and the public for (new) medicines, medical devices, or preventive interventions (such as vaccination or cancer screening). To improve knowledge and insights regarding external validity, internal validity (including data quality assessments), as well as transferability of preference study outcomes, evidence-based guidance is required on several aspects which include (but is not limited to): (1) the framing, presentation and statistical modelling of the risks and benefits included in a DCE; (2) the choice context of a DCE; (3) the educational materials to make respondents familiar with the disease area and medicine or intervention discussed in the DCE. The selection of the methodological aspects to be addressed will be based on urgency and relevance as well as on personal interest of the candidate in collaboration with the research team.


The successful applicant for this position is expected to have a recent or almost completed MSc degree in health sciences, psychology, health economics, sociology or behavioral economics. The ideal candidate has interests in quantitative and qualitative methods and has a strong motivation for methodological research in the field of healthcare. Applicants must have excellent communication and writing skills in English and like to collaborate closely in a multidisciplinary group of researchers from different departments of the University as well as the Erasmus Medical Center. Computer skills should at least include Microsoft office, SPSS, STATA or similar statistical software.



Dienstverband voor bepaalde tijd: We offer a 1,5 year position which will be extended to 4 years based on performance.

We offer a full-time position as PhD student at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). The PhD candidate will be located at the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM). We offer a 1,5 year position which will be extended to 4 years based on performance. Starting date of PhD appointment is preferably May 1st, 2022. Remuneration will be in accordance with the PhD scale set by the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO NU). Fulltime work (38 hours per week) will pay €2443 per month before taxes in the first year, going up to €3122 per month in the fourth year.

In addition, EUR pays an 8% holiday allowance and an end-of-year payment of 8.3% and offers excellent secondary benefits, and a very generous leave scheme. Furthermore, EUR is affiliated with ABP for the pension provision, and we offer partially paid parental leave, fully paid extended birth leave for partners, a personal education budget, work-life balance coaches and more. Employees can also use EUR facilities, such as the Erasmus sports center and the University library.

Erasmus University Rotterdam aspires to be an equitable and inclusive community. We nurture an open culture, where everyone is supported to fulfill their full potential. We see inclusivity of talent as the basis of our successes, and the diversity of perspectives and people as a highly valued outcome. EUR provides equal opportunities to all employees and applicants regardless of gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, age, neurodiversity, functional impairment, citizenship, or any other aspect which makes them unique. We look forward to welcoming you to our community.


Erasmus University Rotterdam

Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) is an internationally oriented university with a strong social orientation in its education and research. Our scientists and students work in close collaboration with internal and external parties to solve global, social challenges, inspired by the always dynamic and cosmopolitan Rotterdam. Our mission is therefore "Creating positive societal impact". Our academic education is intensive, active and application oriented. Our research increasingly takes place in multidisciplinary teams, which are strongly intertwined with international networks. With our research impact and thanks to the high quality of education, EUR can compete with the top European universities. The Erasmian values function as our internal compass and make Erasmus University recognizable to the outside world: engaged with society, world citizen, connecting, entrepreneurial and open-minded.


Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) / Health Technology Assessment

Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) is part of Erasmus University Rotterdam and is responsible for a bachelor and four master programs on policy and management in healthcare, which serve 1000 students. In addition, research is being done on three major research themes: ‘competition and regulation in healthcare’, ‘quality and efficiency in healthcare’ and ‘healthcare management’. ESHPM has about 175 employees. The position offered is within the department of Health Technology Assessment (HTA).

The HTA department

The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) department within ESHPM, and its linked contract research institute iMTA, are distinguished by and internationally renowned for independent and excellent research in HTA, health economics and health outcomes research. The HTA department contributes to important and influential methodological innovations in these areas. It is dedicated to stimulating the use of cost-effectiveness information in healthcare decision making. The department is responsible for teaching HTA in several courses of the bachelor Health Policy and Management, the master programmes Health Economics Policy and Law (HEPL), and Health Economics (HE), and the European master programme Health Economics and Management (EUHEM).


Candidate will be supervised by Prof. dr. Esther de Bekker-Grob, Prof. dr. Tom Van Ourti and dr. Jorien Veldwijk. For more information about this position, contact dr. Jorien Veldwijk

Qualified applicants should send by email a letter of application, curriculum vitae, grade list of master degree, and the names and contact information of two references via Academic Transfer. The deadline for application is February 21st, 2022.

Making minds matter

Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) is a highly ranked, international university, based in the dynamic and diverse city of Rotterdam, with its port acting as a gateway to the world.

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