The successful candidate will work in close collaboration with researchers from Erasmus University Rotterdam and TU Delft on the topic of Inclusive Circular Economy. They will participate in regular meetings with the Chinese partners of the research project and will be able to build an international network and visibility in the field. We also strongly encourage the successful candidate to organize and participate in workshops, seminars, and conferences.
The successful candidate will also be embedded in the Erasmus Initiative
Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity, an interdisciplinary research centre bringing together scholars in law, business and philosophy and focusing on enabling as many people as possible to benefit from increasing prosperity, whilst minimising the negative consequences.
Fixed-term contract: 2 years.
We expect the successful candidate to start as soon as possible. We offer a full-time, two-year contract with Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) with
attractive employment conditions according to the Dutch Collective Labor Agreement for universities (CAO NU). Salary is dependent on the candidate's experience and is set at CAO NU scale 11 with a minimum of € 3,746 and a maximum of € 5,127 gross per month on a full-time basis. In addition, EUR pays an 8 percent holiday allowance and an end-of-year payment of 8.3 percent, and offers excellent secondary benefits, including a generous amount of vacation days. In addition, EUR takes part in the ABP pension scheme, and we also offer partially paid parental leave.
For international spouses, EUR has set up a dual career programme.