Post-doc: Complex Dynamical Networks

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Post-doc: Complex Dynamical Networks

System Theory, Automatic Control, Optimisation; strong mathematical skills

Deadline Published on Vacancy ID 3ME18-11

Academic fields


Job types


Education level


Weekly hours

38 hours per week

Salary indication

max. €4084 per month


Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD, Delft

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Job description

We are looking for a talented post-doctoral research fellow with background and interest in System Theory, Automatic Control, Optimisation; strong mathematical skills; a track record of publications in high-quality journals and/or conferences; and an excellent command of the English language (knowledge of Dutch is not required).

The researcher will conduct fundamental theoretical and algorithmic research on complex dynamical networks, with possible applications to systems in both engineering and biology.
The researcher will not be assigned to a pre-defined project. She/He will be free to follow her/his own preferences within the research activities and expertise of the group. For more information on the possible research topics, see: or


Applicants should have the following qualifications:

- Ph.D. degree (or close to completion) in Systems and Control, Operations Research, Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, or a related field.
- Strong mathematical skills, along with ability and interest to work at the intersection of several technical research domains, in particular System Theory, Automatic Control, Optimisation.
- Good programming skills (e.g., in Matlab).
- Excellent command of the English language and communication skills.

Expertise in either networked dynamical systems, decentralised control or systems biology is highly appreciated.

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: 1 year and prospect of extension.

The TU Delft offers a customisable compensation package, a discount for health insurance and sport memberships, and a monthly work costs contribution. Flexible work schedules can be arranged. An International Children’s Centre offers childcare and an international primary school. Dual Career Services offers support to accompanying partners. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.

For more information about this position, please contact dr Giulia Giordano, e-mail:
An application dossier consists of the following documents:
• detailed curriculum vitae and list of publications;
• a brief statement of motivation, research interests and vision (1-2 pages);
• academic transcripts of all exams taken and obtained degrees (in English);
• names and contact information of up to three references (e.g. PhD supervisors);
• up to five publications (possibly, also currently unpublished work ad PhD thesis).

Applications can be submitted by 31 May 2018 to Irina Bruckner, e-mail:
When applying for this position, please refer to vacancy number 3ME18-11.

The call for applications will remain open until the ideal candidate is found.
The starting date is flexible, but ideally would be May/June 2018.


Delft University of Technology

Delft University of Technology (the TU Delft) is a multifaceted institution offering education and carrying out research in the technical sciences at an internationally recognised level. Education, research and design are strongly oriented towards applicability. The TU Delft develops technologies for future generations, focusing on sustainability, safety and economic vitality. At the TU Delft you will work in an environment where technical sciences and society converge. The TU Delft comprises eight faculties, unique laboratories, research institutes and schools.


Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering

The 3mE Faculty trains committed engineering students, PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers in groundbreaking scientific research in the fields of mechanical, maritime and materials engineering. 3mE is the epitome of a dynamic, innovative faculty, with a European scope that contributes demonstrable economic and social benefits.

The Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC) coordinates the education and research activities in systems and control at Delft University of Technology. The Centre's research mission is to conduct fundamental research in systems dynamics and control, involving dynamic modelling, advanced control theory, optimisation and signal analysis. The research is motivated by advanced technology development in physical imaging systems, robotics and transportation systems. 

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