6 PhD candidates in Mathematics
You cannot apply for this job anymore (deadline was 31 Mar ’18)
Academic fields
Natural sciences
Job types
Education level
University graduate
Weekly hours
38 hours per week
Salary indication
€2222—€2840 per month
The Korteweg-de Vries Instituut voor Wiskunde (KdV Institute), the mathematical research institute of the Faculty of Science, has six PhD positions:
Project 1: Frobenius manifolds and integrable systems Project 2: Lie Algebroids and deformation quantization Project 3: Frobenius manifolds and their relation to homological mirror symmetry Project 4: Infinite-dimensional affine and polynomial preserving processes Project 5: Zeta functions of the Newton strata of Shimura varieties Project 6: Harmonic analysis on affine symmetric pairs and boundary correlation functions
Please check the research site of the Institute for the project descriptions.
Experience in teaching is a plus.
The appointment will be on a temporary basis for a period of 4 years (initial appointment will be for a period of 18 months and after satisfactory evaluation it can be extended for a total duration of 4 years) and should lead to a dissertation (PhD thesis). An educational plan will be drafted that includes attendance of courses and (international) meetings. The PhD candidate is also expected to assist in teaching of undergraduates.
Based on a full-time appointment (38 hours per week) the gross monthly salary will range from €2,222 in the first year to €2,840 in the last year. The Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities is applicable.
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The Korteweg-de Vries Instituut voor Wiskunde (KdV Institute) is the mathematical research institute of the Faculty of Science of the Universiteit van Amsterdam. The KdV Institute offers a stimulating scientific environment in which research focuses mainly within the research programmes:
It also provides the lecturers and instructors for the mathematics teaching within the Science faculty. The KdV Institute participates in the NWO research clusters GQT, STAR, NDNS+ and DIAMANT and in the Gravity programme NETWORKS. There is formal (and informal) cooperation with the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), the VU University, and with Eurandom in Eindhoven. KdVI counts about 30 staff members and 40 postdocs and PhD students.
You may submit your application through the application procedure of Academic Transfer.
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