Head of Department European Studies
You cannot apply for this job anymore (deadline was 18 Aug ’19)
As of 1 September 2019, we are looking for a: Head of Department, European Studies (0.8 FTE)
Academic fields
Economics; Language and culture
Job types
Research, development, innovation; Education; Policy and staff; Management
Education level
University graduate
Weekly hours
32 hours per week
Salary indication
max. €6036 per month
'Educating global minds' is the joint mission of the European Studies, International Business, Translation and Interpreting, and Oriental Languages and Communication programmes which, together with the research centres for International Relationship Management and Sustainable International Business, work on improving educational quality, educational innovation, study success, internationalization, and research-informed teaching.
The European Studies programme (ES) has 356 students and twenty staff members. In the 2019-2020 academic year, a revised curriculum will be introduced for the first year of the ES programme. This new curriculum was developed in close collaboration with professionals in the field of European studies and is characterized by professional tasks and activating teaching methods. The European Studies programme will be audited in the autumn of 2020, for which preparations are already underway.
As a member of the management team, the ES head of department is closely involved in decisions relating to strategy and policy at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and is responsible for incorporating these into the programme. The head of department works alongside other heads of department, lecturers, the director and is accountable to the director.
The ES head of department will further develop the proposed programme changes and oversee their profiling. Moreover, the head of department will collaborate with the curriculum committee, the board of examiners, the programme committee, the team members, the students, and the professional field, to create a more result-oriented team that is jointly responsible for transforming students into sought-after professionals. Objectives include:
Candidates are expected to:
We offer an exciting position with plenty of room for personal and professional growth in a friendly, dynamic, and international work environment. This includes a one-year employment contract of 0.8 FTE via Zuyd University of Applied Sciences or Randstad Payroll, with the possibility of an extension. The salary is commensurate with your background and experience, but does not exceed a maximum of scale 12 or 13 CAO-HBO (maximum € 6,036.14 gross per month at 100% FTE).