Department for Health Evidence consists of 90 employees with expertise in biostatistics, health technology assessment, cancer epidemiology, reproductive epidemiology and risk assessment, offering a multidisciplinary environment for methodological research in medicine. All specializations work in close collaboration with many clinical departments in the Radboudumc. At the department for Health Evidence we aim to improve healthcare and public health by developing, applying and teaching methods for prediction and evaluation research. The Department has three main tasks: research, education, and consultation. The focus of all three is on research methodology and data analysis, in the context of RadboudUMC's research themes.
The Health Technology Assessment group (HTA) subgroup of Health Evidence conducts research to determine whether new technologies are effective, safe and efficient, and whether they are in accordance with societal and ethical values. Health care is about people, but technology often plays an important role. Consequently, people and technology have to work well together. The HTA group conducts research to determine whether new technologies are effective, safe and efficient, and whether they are in accordance with societal and ethical values. The group conducts research into the effectiveness, safety, efficiency and social acceptability of medical technology. Medical technology includes not only pharmaceuticals, devices and diagnostic techniques, but also palliative care and trauma care.
RadboudumcRadboudumc strives to be a leading developer of sustainable, innovative and affordable healthcare to improve the health and wellbeing of people and society in the Netherlands and beyond. This is the core of our mission: To have a significant impact on healthcare. To get a better picture of what this entails, check out our
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