Research assistent 'Preschool Imaging Project (PIP)'

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Research assistent 'Preschool Imaging Project (PIP)'

Deadline Published on Vacancy ID 105423-P537699-1

Academic fields


Job types

Research, development, innovation

Education level

University graduate

Weekly hours

32 hours per week

Salary indication

€2069—€3184 per month


Geert Grooteplein-Zuid 10, 6525 GA, Nijmegen

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Job description

You will work within the Preschool Imaging Project (PIP). The main aim is to identify prognostic, stratification, and/or outcome biomarkers for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in preschoolers. PIP is a multi-site multi-disciplinary study that employs a longitudinal design. The sites are Nijmegen, London, Ghent, Paris and Stockholm, and PIP aims to follow in total N=400 children (ASD = 200, typical development (TD) = 200) from approximately 3 to 6 years. You will be involved in data collection at three time-points (3-4 years, 4-5 years, 5-6 years). You will assess clinical core and associated symptoms at all time-points to fit longitudinal developmental symptom trajectories, and acquire "deep-phenotypic" measures of candidate biomarkers (including cognition, eye-tracking, EEG, and MRI acquired during natural sleep) at the two earlier time points.

Tasks and responsibilities
  • Recruitment and selection of participating children/families, for ASD participants in collaboration with clinical teams of Karakter (Infant psychiatry team).
  • Assess ADI-R and ADOS measures, cognitive measures
  • Assist in assessing EEG/ERP and eye-tracking measures.
  • Assist in acquiring MRI measures. Please note: the latter will involve working outside office hours (in the evening) since the MRI scans will be acquired when the pre-schooler sleeps.
  • Data processing, and storage.
  • Frequent communication (teleconferences etcera) with the teams at the other sites.


  • Master degree in psychology, neuroscience, or related discipline.
  • Fluent in Dutch, and excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
  • Scientifically interested, good organizational and planning skills, ability to work in teams, a very precise style of working.
  • Experience in working with patients with ASD and their parents.
  • Experience in administering ADI-R and/or ADOS.

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: 3 years, with possibility for extension.

The gross monthly salary, depending on experience will be scale 6 (max. € 2.815) or scale (max. € 3.099) based on a full-time working week (excl. vacation bonus and 8,3% end of year payments).

Upon commencement of employment we require a certificate of conduct (Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag, VOG) and there will be, depending on the type of job, a screening based on the provided cv. Radboud university medical center's HR Department will apply for this certificate on your behalf.

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The position is at the Department of Cognitive Neuroscience of Radboudumc, and the project is embedded in the unique and excellent infrastructure of the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour. The Donders Institute offers a fully equipped lab with EEG/ERP, eye-tracking and MRI facilities. For this project, there is a close collaboration with Karakter Child and Adolescent Psychiatry that offers clinical services for children with developmental disorders and is involved in the recruitment of clinical participants.

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Application procedure

All additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from Prof. Jan Buitelaar, (024) 361 07 50 or Prof. Sabine Hunnius or Dr. Manon Krol. Use the Apply button to submit your application.

Please apply before 27 August.
Recruitment agencies are asked not to respond to this job posting.


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