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Each mental event or voluntary motor act involves the coordinated activity of neurons in areas of the brain far apart. Thin, branched and extremely long cellular processes called axons provide the physical substrate of these interactions. It has recently become possible to fully trace these long-range axons one at a time. The goal of the FlagERA research project 'NeuronsReunited' is to create tools for speeding up the conversion of experimental data into digital axons, and to precisely place neurons into a digital reference brain to reveal their context. They are applied to existing and new data in mouse, and the resulting insights are incorporated into new models for brain function.
The project is a collaboration between five international partners, two experimental partners (Prof. Francisco Clasca, Madrid; Prof. Egidio d'Angelo, Pavia) and three computational/theoretical partners (Prof. Paul Tiesinga, Dr Rembrandt Bakker, Nijmegen; Prof. Michele Giugliano, Trieste; Prof. Sacha Van Albada, Jülich). As a postdoctoral research associate you will design pipelines to process the raw anatomical data, create tools for the precise placement of axonal arbours in a digital reference brain and be part of the team that builds models and interprets the results.
A key deliverable will be the creation of a gold standard online catalogue of precisely placed neurons that future generations of neuroscientists can contribute to and compare data to. The tools make use of an existing body of work consisting of web-based applications (HBP Morphology Viewer and Scalable Brain Atlas, written in JavaScript) and interactive notebooks (Python).
Besides being a member of the project team, you will also be part of the European Human Brain Project and have access to the expertise of the large neuroscience community at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour.
Fixed-term contract: 3 years.
We want to get the best out of science, others and ourselves. Why? Because this is what the world around us desperately needs. Leading research and education make an indispensable contribution to a healthy, free world with equal opportunities for all. This is what unites the more than 22,000 students and 5,000 employees at Radboud University. And this requires even more talent, collaboration and lifelong learning. You have a part to play!
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