PhD scholarships in Economics & Business: solving societal challenges (5.0 FTE)

PhD scholarships in Economics & Business: solving societal challenges (5.0 FTE)

Published Deadline Location
4 Feb 25 Feb Groningen

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The graduate school offers four-year PhD scholarships to excellent candidates who recently graduated.

To stimulate innovative, interdisciplinary research and foremost to contribute to solving complex societal challenges FEB has identified five research themes that unite commun

Job description

The graduate school offers four-year PhD scholarships to excellent candidates who recently graduated.

To stimulate innovative, interdisciplinary research and foremost to contribute to solving complex societal challenges FEB has identified five research themes that unite communities of researchers with proven track records, and oftentimes different backgrounds, who work jointly on research projects in the fields of:

1. Healthy Society
2. Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence
3. Leadership and Governance
4. Future Prosperity and Sustainability
5. Energy Transition and Climate Change.

Candidates are encouraged to develop their own research ideas within one of these dedicated themes. Examples of research questions with a large scientific and societal relevance include:

• What determines health inequality and how can we reduce it through prevention?
• How can we handle the digitalization of society?
• How can leaders help organizations to tackle current disruptive events in society?
• What makes businesses, regions, and countries more resilient and sustainable?
• How can we reduce inequality across and within countries?
• How can market design and logistic networks assist energy transition?

All PhD candidates are supervised by at least two supervisors who are a research fellow of SOM (


University of Groningen


The ideal candidate is ambitious, highly motivated and wishes to make a career in research. He or she has a thorough training in research skills, speaks and writes English fluently and has obtained excellent results in the master phase.
Candidates should have a Master of Science degree in Economics or Business or another master degree sufficiently related to research within one of our dedicated themes.

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: 48 months.

The University of Groningen offers scholarships for PhD students for a period of 4 years under the condition of a positive assessment at the end of the first year. The successful candidate will receive a gross scholarship of € 2,207 per month, of which wage tax and social insurance premiums will be deducted. For more information on the RUG PhD scholarship programme and its benefits please check the website at

Starting date: 1 September 2021. An assessment may be part of the procedure, consisting of psychological tests and an interview.


Faculty of Economics and Business

Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative centre of higher education offering high-quality teaching and research. Balanced study and career paths in a wide variety of disciplines encourage the approximately 35.000 students and researchers to develop their own individual talents. Belonging to the best research universities in Europe and joining forces with prestigious partner universities and networks, the University of Groningen is truly an international place of knowledge.

Faculty of Economics and Business
The Faculty of Economics and Business offers an inspiring study and working environment for students and employees. International accreditation enables the Faculty to assess performance against the highest international standards. It also creates an exciting environment of continuous improvement. FEB's programmes, academic staff and research do well on various excellence ranking lists.

SOM, the graduate school and research institute of the Faculty of Economics and Business, has five PhD scholarships available.


  • PhD scholarship
  • Economics
  • max. 38 hours per week
  • max. €2207 per month
  • University graduate
  • B004-08221


University of Groningen

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Broerstraat 5, 9712 CP, Groningen

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