Bioinformatician - NIOO-KNAW - Wageningen
You cannot apply for this job anymore (deadline was 15 Aug ’21)
Academic fields
Natural sciences
Job types
Research, development, innovation
Education level
Higher professional education
Weekly hours
30.4—38 hours per week
Salary indication
max. €4402 per month
Project description: As a bioinformatician, you will give support to researchers in each of the four NIOO-KNAW research departments. Projects are very diverse, ranging from bacteria and fungi to plants, insects, birds and genetic material recovered directly from soil or other environmental samples. Your task is to interact with researchers, ICT staff and data stewards to facilitate researchers in performing their bioinformatics analyses. This includes tutoring, helping with data management, building pipelines, providing training, advising researchers and system administration tasks. You will not do research yourself. The position is part of a small, dedicated team that coordinates all aspects of bioinformatics support.
You will be part of a team with another bioinformatician to give support and advice to researchers during the complete research cycle, develop and give (carpentry) workshops, teaching coding and data science skills to researchers, develop and contribute to existing open-source workflows and learn others how to use them, unlock an infrastructure consisting of several Linux servers including several web-portals to researchers, and act as a knowledge hub for bioinformatics within the institute by providing documentation and training material.
We are looking for an all-round bioinformatician, HBO or MSc level, with a few years of relevant work experience, excellent communication skills and proficiency in English, experience with high-throughput sequencing data, strong collaborative and social skills, and a good network of contacts in the bioinformatics community.
Specific requirements and relevant experience include working with UNIX and bash, version control systems (git), creating workflows (Snakemake, Nextflow), affinity with system administration (HPC systems), good programming skills (Python, R), and experience with the use of conda, modules or containers (docker, singularity) for software installation and use. In addition, it is important to have affinity with data management, working FAIR, and be motivated to learn new technologies and transfer these to others.
The appointment will initially be for one year with the possibility for extension and is 30.4–38 hours per week (0.8-1.0 FTE).
The salary depends on training and work experience. The maximum gross monthly salary coming with a full-time appointment is €4,402.00 (scale 10 of the Collective Agreement for Dutch Universities), excluding 8% holiday pay and a year-end bonus. We offer an extensive package of fringe benefits.
The Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) is an Academy research institute. It conducts ecological research on land, in the ocean and in fresh water and studies how living organisms interact with one another and their environment. NIOO stimulates biodiversity and sustainability in nature and society through its worldwide network of researchers, policymakers, conservationists and other stakeholders.
Addresse your application to Prof. dr. ir. W.H. van der Putten, chair of the appointment committee.
Please include a cover letter and a CV.
Deadline for applications is 15 August, 2021. Applications received later than this date will not be considered.
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) is the guardian and interpreter of science in the Netherlands.
More about the KNAW