Work environmentEindhoven University of Technology ( is one of Europe's top technological universities, situated at the heart of a most innovative high-tech region. Thanks to a wealth of collaborations with industry and academic institutes, our research has real-world impact. In 2015, TU/e was ranked 106th in the Times Higher Educational World University ranking and 49th in the Shanghai ARWU ranking (engineering). TU/e has around 3,000 employees and 2,300 PhD students (half of which international, representing about 70 nationalities).
The candidate will work at the Department of Electrical Engineering ( Within this department, research and education is done in domains of Telecommunication, Care and Cure, and Smart energy systems. The interfaculty Institute for Photonic Integration performs research in the area of broadband telecommunication, by investigating the potential of optical technologies. As a key member of IPI, the Electro-Optical Communication Systems (ECO) group focuses its research on optical communication system techniques, ranging from systems for ultra-high capacity long reach transmission (encompassing single-mode, multi-mode and multi-core fiber systems), ultra-fast (all-) optical packet switching nodes, high-density intra-data center networks, to multi-service flexible access and in-building networks (including radio-over-fibre and optical wireless communication). ECO participates in several national and international projects.
Project description The H2020 5G PPP project B5G-OPEN targets the design, prototyping and demonstration of a novel end-to-end integrated packet-optical transport architecture based on MultiBand (MB) optical transmission and switching networks. MB expands the available capacity of optical fibres, by enabling transmission within S, E, and O bands, in addition to commercial C and/or C+L bands, which translates into a potential 10x capacity increase and low-latency for services beyond 5G. To realize multiband networks, technology advances are required, both in data, control and management planes. Concerning devices, these include new amplifiers, filterless subsystems, add/drop multiplexers, etc. Such technology advances complement novel packet-optical white boxes using flexible sliceable Bandwidth Variable Transceivers and novel pluggable optics. The availability of MB transmission will also lead to a complete redesign of the end-to-end architecture, removing boundaries between network domains and reducing electronic intermediate terminations. The control plane will be extended to support multiband elements and a 'domain-less' network architecture. The results will be shown in two final demonstrations exposing the project benefits from operator and user perspectives. B5G-OPEN will have a clear impact on the society showing the evolution towards a world with increased needs of connectivity and higher capacity in support of new B5G services and new traffic patterns. The consortium includes partners from 8 countries: three major telecom operators, three vendors, four SMEs and four research centres and academia, combining several years of experience and a successful record in past European projects on related technologies.
TasksThe PhD candidate will design, develop, and experimentally assess the novel multiband edge node in the B5GOPEN architecture. He/she will numerically and experimentally investigate optical edge node network architectures that are able to interconnect a number of novel optical technologies to be developed in the project such as photonic WDM switches and bandwidth-variable transceivers in order to support the required dynamicity and flexibility. Moreover, in order to enable concepts such as hardware disaggregation and virtualization of the metro node, the PhD candidate will design and implement the required opto-electronic interfaces and controller boards (also with the use of FPGA) to support programmability of the optical technologies developed in the project. In coordination with the software-defined networking (SDN) control plane, the optical nodes need to be able to adapt dynamically to the needs of specific services, optimally exploiting the data plane through the use of relevant data monitoring and analysis schemes developed within the project.
The PhD candidate will contribute to the TU/e efforts in establishing collaboration with the other researchers in the project and contribute to the related project reporting, scientific publication and dissemination activities.