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1. As machine learning is claimed to approximate a mathematical target function, how can lawyers learn to test and contest the relevance of the approximation for the legal issues at stake?
2. How do different types of NLLP restrict or enable testing for various types of bias in their output?
Fixed-term contract: This is a temporary position for 1 year with the possibility of extension by another year.
The Institute for Computing and Information Sciences is a renowned computer science research institute, hosting around 130 staff, grouped according to three research themes (Digital Security, Software Science, and Data Science) that build upon Radboud University's long-standing tradition of combining cutting-edge research on the mathematical foundations of computer science with societally relevant problems that are susceptible to scientific solutions. The overall objective of iCIS is to perform excellent scientific research and to have a positive impact in science and also in society - both in terms of improved economic performance and social well-being. iCIS not only aims to study technical aspects of software systems, but also their embedding in the environments in which they have to operate. iCIS wants to have firm roots within the broad 'general university' environment offered by Radboud University. This also explains the focus on formal modelling and analysis and distinguishes iCIS from computer science departments at technical universities, which typically have a more applied focus. iCIS aims to contribute to the progress of computer science and science as a whole by means of ICT applications in other disciplines, such as neuroscience, biology, law, and medicine, i.e. scientific areas in which the Radboud University is particularly strong.
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