Theme Chair Sustainable Healthcare and Workforce - (Associate) Professor

Theme Chair Sustainable Healthcare and Workforce - (Associate) Professor

Published Deadline Location
7 Apr 7 May Rotterdam

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Job description

Do you want to have an impact on issues in the outside world by combining insights from different disciplines? Do you want to be a part of a leading European school and build your own team as (associate-) professor in Sustainable Healthcare and Workforce? Then we might have an opportunity for you.

Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM), part of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), is a leading European school in health policy and management, with strong presence in health economics, health services and health systems research, healthcare governance, and health insurance.
To deliver on important societal challenges, ESHPM has defined a strategic agenda that envisions significant investments in three new themes (Global Health, Sustainable Healthcare & Workforce and Planetary Health) as well as an enabling data infrastructure. Each theme is to be led jointly by a newly appointed Theme Chair and the current ESHPM department heads.

To strengthen the Sustainable Healthcare and Workforce theme, ESHPM is now recruiting for a new:

Theme Chair Sustainable Healthcare and Workforce - (Associate-) Professor
Sustainable Healthcare and Workforce
One the significant challenges following COVID is healthcare workers labour shortage and the resulting impact on (informal) care delivery. Research in this area is urgently needed. We have developed a program of work with three lines of research that will benefit from our innovative and cross-disciplinary research approach: (1) improving the relation between professional- and patient-centered care; (2) creating opportunities to enable care delivery through digital technologies; and (3) exploring and managing shifting paradigms in governing healthcare. The Theme Chair is to provide leadership and oversight of the entire theme as well as how the three lines interact. However, the Theme Chair is not expected to be an established academic in all research lines of the program.

With an ongoing focus on patient-centered care, we expand our thinking to professional-centered care that evolves around the current empirical and conceptual shift to the professional as a constraint in care delivery. While personalized medicine heavily relies on optimal care delivery for the individual patient, there is recognition that centering the needs and competencies of professionals in the organization is critical as well to manage increasing demands. This includes policies to attract, maintain and allocate employees. We aim to study how this professional-centered care affects new types of employment, 'good employership', interaction with patient-centered care and how this impacts patient satisfaction, professional vitality, affordability, accessibility and quality of care, and professional ethics.

Secondly, we focus on the increasing importance of data-driven care, including decision support tools like AI and intelligent sensor networks. These new technologies hold the promise of making healthcare more effective and efficient. Developing a digital humanities approach, we aim to study the adoption of these technologies in the workflow as well as the implications for professionals and patients, technological development, clinical governance, accessibility and affordability of healthcare.

Finally, we will study the change in paradigms concerning to governance of healthcare towards care that is increasingly crossing traditional organizational and sectoral domains and care for which scale has become a newly contested field (e.g. centralization vs decentralization). This includes studying the complex financial, legislative, and regulatory consequences of this changing paradigm, and the consequences for the tasks, responsibilities of and collaboration between professionals, patients, and informal care givers, as well as changing organizational and financial arrangements such as population health management.

Job description
We are recruiting a Theme Chair who will contribute to a shared vision for the Sustainable Healthcare and Workforce theme at ESHPM, including education, research and impact, in close alignment with the Management Team and Faculty Board of ESHPM. Furthermore, the position includes:
  • providing leadership for all staff (including PhD students) working in the Sustainable Healthcare and Workforce theme;
  • taking financial and HR management responsibility;
  • collaborating with the ESHPM Management Team to recruit additional capacity in this theme (consisting of 2 assistant professors and 2 PhD students);
  • connecting the various disciplines both within ESHPM and faculties;
  • fostering interdisciplinary research and representing ESHPM in external bodies relevant for the Sustainable Healthcare and Workforce research theme, including several programs in the Convergence Alliance with Erasmus MC and TU Delft;
  • contributing to existing educational activities and development of new courses and teaching programmes;
  • creating societal impact.


Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)


The ideal candidate is a bridge-builder who provides inspiring and inclusive leadership, who can foster community spirit and connect national and international stakeholders through vision and content.

To excel in this role, the preferred candidate should:
  • be or have the potential to become a world leading expert in Sustainable Healthcare and Workforce;
  • hold a PhD (>5 years);
  • have a track record qualifying for appointment as (associate-) professor, which includes relevant academic publications and generated research incomes;
  • be an academic leader who can stimulate people through a shared and collaborative vision;
  • be able to oversee the Sustainable Healthcare and Workforce field and make connections with various disciplines;
  • have extensive teaching experience, including teaching qualifications;
  • be able to articulate a strategic vision and action plan for the theme;
  • have demonstrated experience with leading research teams including financial and HR management responsibilities;
  • embrace the Erasmian Values of diversity, social safety and inclusiveness;
  • have the moral ambition to create societal impact through research and education.

Conditions of employment

We offer a full-time position as Theme Chair at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). The position is located within Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM). It is required you live in or move to the Netherlands for this position.

We offer a contract for 18 months (for new employees) with the possibility of extension into a permanent position. Remuneration will be according to the scales set by the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (cao NU) and will range depending on the profile. Fulltime is 38 hours per week.
In addition, EUR pays an 8% holiday allowance, an end-of-year payment of 8.3%, offers excellent secondary benefits, and a very generous leave scheme. Furthermore, EUR is affiliated with ABP for the pension provision, and we offer partially paid parental leave, fully paid extended birth leave for partners, a personal education budget, work-life balance coaches and more. Employees can also use EUR facilities, such as the Erasmus sports centre and the University library. The starting date will be as soon as possible.

Erasmus University Rotterdam offers a Dual Career Programme (DCP) to assist the life partners of new academic staff (on payroll) in finding employment in The Netherlands. The programme is offered in close collaboration with the nearby universities of Delft and Leiden.
Erasmus University Rotterdam aspires to be an equitable and inclusive community. We nurture an open culture, where everyone is supported to fulfil their potential. We see inclusivity of talent as the basis of our success, and the diversity of perspectives and people as a highly valued outcome. EUR provides equal opportunities to all employees and applicants regardless of gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, age, neurodiversity, functional impairment, citizenship, or any other aspect that makes them unique. We look forward to welcoming you to our community.


Erasmus University Rotterdam

Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) is an internationally oriented university with a strong social orientation in its education and research, as expressed in our mission 'Creating positive societal impact'. EUR is home to 3.700 academics and professionals and almost 33.000 students from more than 140 countries. Everything we do, we do under the credo The Erasmian Way - Making Minds Matter. We're global citizens, connecting, entrepreneurial, open-minded, and socially involved. These Erasmian Values function as our internal compass and create EUR's distinctive and recognizable profile. From these values, with a broad perspective and with an eye for diversity, different backgrounds and opinions, our employees work closely together to solve societal challenges from the dynamic and cosmopolitan city of Rotterdam. Thanks to the high quality and positive societal impact of our research and education, EUR can compete with the top European universities.

Faculty / Institute / Central service
Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) is an institute of EUR, affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and Erasmus Medical Centre, that plays a leading position in healthcare sciences and health policy. ESHPM is responsible for a bachelor, pre-master and three (international) master programs on healthcare management, policy, and economics, serving more than 1500 students. The most recent international research audit has assessed ESHPM's research as excellent (20 out of 20 points). ESHPM values empirical, multidisciplinary research with high impact. It is firmly rooted in the world's leading Dutch health care system and actively participates in international research projects, in particular EU funded projects.


ESHPM is organised in 7 research departments, each lead by a head of department. ESHPM also has strong relations to iMTA and ECZB; private entities of EUR holding with world-leading expertise in Health Technology Assessment and Health Business Administration. The unique combination of policy sciences, sociology, economics, management, and law enables ESHPM to conduct world leading research and educate the next generation of healthcare managers, policymakers, and researchers. ESHPM also is a core Faculty in the Convergence Alliance (TU Delft, EUR and Erasmus MC) as well as Leiden-Delft-Erasmus (LDE) with cross-cutting research programs in Health & Technology, Resilient Cities, Pandemic Preparedness and Healthy Society.


  • Associate professor
  • max. 40 hours per week
  • €5784—€7362 per month
  • Doctorate
  • 3556


Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)

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Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062PA, Rotterdam

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