Working with us in the
department of Technology and Operations Management at
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), your project leverages the collaboration between Delft University of Technology and Erasmus Medical Center, who are developing new bio-imaging and microscopy technologies. You contribute to management research and practice by enabling multi-party collaborations, fostering creativity and the acceptance of new ideas, and facilitating experiential learning processes to support innovation performance in an innovation ecosystem.
Developing innovative solutions is often beyond the reach of a single organisation. Pioneering discoveries demand knowledge and capabilities that might exceed those within an organisation. Initiatives in which multiple parties cooperate to exchange and co-develop resources within an innovation ecosystem, emerge as suitable options to innovate. Just as these initiatives increase the likelihood of success, so do the challenges in managing the innovation process. Interdependent workflows, the complexity of the resulting relationships, the technological and market novelty of developments, and context uncertainty might derail achieving collective goals.
Although interorganisational initiatives in an innovation ecosystem have long been part of the health and technology management fields, many challenges related to managing these initiatives remain poorly understood. That's why this project looks to investigate how ecosystem partners can improve collaboration, see which practices can be implemented to foster creativity, and identify what partners learn and how they leverage that knowledge to improve their innovation performance.
Uncovering the role of collaboration, creativity and learning in joint innovation activities is an urgent matter to build new theory on convergence in health and technology, and to inform practice and policy.
Your project at RSM is part of a larger consortium that includes Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Erasmus Medical Center (Erasmus MC), RSM and several industry partners. This consortium aims to create a convergent imaging facility and innovation centre (CIFIC) that accelerates the pace of innovation and application in bio-imaging. CIFIC brings an integral approach, where innovation in microscopy is delivered by a flagship facility that provides both beyond-state-of-the-art equipment and an expertise and innovation ecosystem. This is a unique combination of technical and theoretical expertise (TU Delft), biomedical expertise (Erasmus MC) and innovation management and initiative (RSM).
The goal of this PhD project concerns collaboration, creativity and learning in innovation projects. The research should inform the current work as well as future cooperation efforts among ecosystem partners. We ask the following research questions:
- How do partners collaborate within the CIFIC ecosystem?
We aim to uncover the mechanisms that enable multi-party innovation teams to become successful.
- Which processes and practices foster creativity and the acceptance of new developments?
The focus is on how creative ideas are uncovered and how members of an innovation ecosystem use them to solve problems.
- What do project partners learn to improve their innovation performance further?
The goal is to investigate how individual experiential learning processes support the innovation performance of the members of a growing ecosystem.
Your main tasks
- Conduct impactful research aimed at top-tier journals in management.
- Engage with RSM's mission to be a force for positive change in the world.