Tenure Track MERLN | in Biofabrication for Food Tissue Engineering
You cannot apply for this job anymore (deadline was 17 Sep ’23)
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We seek a tenure track candidate to join the MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine. MERLN was founded at Maastricht University in 2014 and has quickly become a leading institute in Europe. We are a team of 18 faculty members (principal investigators from Assistant to Full Professor level) and >130 PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers with diverse expertise and research interests, including biomaterials, cell biology, tissue engineering, biofabrication, microfabrication and -fluidics, nanotechnology, computational modeling, and bioinformatics. We share newly renovated laboratory facilities with state-of-the-art equipment. Our staff members are leaders in the field of biomaterials, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, for which we have a focus on engineering approaches, and we are particularly well-known for our orientation towards translational research.
Description of the candidate
The successful candidate will be embedded within the Complex Tissue Regeneration department of the MERLN Institute. For those unfamiliar with Dutch academic norms, departments are led by a chair who supervises an independent research group of their own (comprising PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers) and is also responsible for the activities of a small number of junior academics (typically at the Assistant and Associate Professor level) who are responsible for their own research groups within the same department. In this context, team science is fostered and encouraged, where in most of the Institute research efforts PhD students and Post-docs are supervised by a team of at least 2 PIs. In each of the MERLN departments there are currently 3 to 5 junior academics in a tenure track trajectory. The position is an independent one suited for someone with at least 4 years of experience post-PhD. Excellent knowledge of scientific English is required as it is our working language. Knowledge of Dutch is not required at this stage, but candidates should be willing to learn for their administrative tasks. We encourage candidates who reflect diversity in the broadest sense.
Candidates must:
What we offer
The contract terms will be finalized upon selecting a candidate, but the expectation is for an initially temporary position (max 4 years) in a tenure track system, which may be turned into a permanent contract following a probationary period, acquisition of any necessary certificates/qualifications, and positive evaluation from a tenure track.
Why work at Maastricht University?
At Maastricht University (UM), everything revolves around the future. The future of our students, as we work to equip them with a solid, broad-based foundation for the rest of their lives. And the future of society, as we seek solutions through our research to issues from all around the world. Our six faculties combined provide a comprehensive package of study programmes and research.
In our teaching, we use the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) method. Students work in small groups, looking for solutions to problems themselves. By discussing issues and working together to draw conclusions, formulate answers and present them to their peers, students develop essential skills for their future careers.
With over 22,300 students and more than 5,000 employees from all over the world, UM is home to a vibrant and inspiring international community.
Are you drawn to an international setting focused on education, science and scholarship? Are you keen to contribute however your skills and qualities allow? Our door is open to you! As a young European university, we value your talent and look forward to creating the future together.
Click here for more information about UM.
At the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML), everything revolves around healthy living. Our research and education focuses not only on recovery, but also on prevention, health maintenance and health promotion. Our mission is to use our knowledge and expertise to bring about healthy lives for individuals and for society as a whole. FHML works closely in education, research and healthcare provision with the Maastricht academic hospital, together with which it forms the Maastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC+).
The largest faculty at Maastricht University, FHML is home to an international community of staff and students. We offer a wide range of Dutch- and English-taught bachelor’s and master’s programmes, using innovative educational concepts and building bridges to practice.
Research at FHML is multidisciplinary and revolves around select, topical themes. It encompasses the full spectrum, from fundamental research aiming to gain new insights to research whose results translate directly into concrete applications and innovations. The various research programmes are organised into our six graduate schools and two research institutes.
The MERLN Institute for Technology-inspired Regenerative Medicine (https://merlninstitute.com/) focuses on developing novel and challenging technologies to advance the field of tissue and organ repair and regeneration through, amongst others, the development of high-throughput material platforms to screen cell-biomaterial interactions. MERLN consists of an interdisciplinary team of researchers including fields as (stem cell) biology, materials engineering, chemistry, micro/nanofabrication, additive manufacturing, etc. The scientists at MERLN have an extensive network of collaborators within research institutions in and outside the Netherlands as well as with a number of biomedical companies, including their own spin-off companies, as entrepreneurship is highly fostered.
Application timeline
Candidates can expect to hear from us within two weeks after the deadline for applications. Video interviews will be scheduled for short-listed candidates. Those proceeding to the second interview round will be invited to attend a two-day in-person interview. Your travel costs will be compensated.
To apply
To apply, please submit the following via this website:
You cand send your application to hrm-rw-vacatures@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Maastricht University is committed to promoting and nurturing a diverse and inclusive community. We believe that diversity in our staff and student population contributes to the quality of research and education at UM, and strive to enable this through inclusive policies and innovative projects led by teams of staff and students. We encourage you to apply for this position.
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Maastricht University distinguishes itself with its innovative education model, international character and multidisciplinary approach to research and education.
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