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Description of the project and the role of the PhD candidate:
The PhD candidate will be hosted by the Water Governance Department of IHE Delft. Given the interdisciplinary nature of this research the candidate will have two promotors at IHE Delft (Water Services Governance and Water Supply Engineering) and a co-promotor from VEI Dutch Water Operators. The PhD Candidate will also be registered at the University of Amsterdam.
The PhD project on which the candidate will be working focuses on the ability of water utilities to become climate resilient. Although most water utilities are aware of the need to become climate resilient, actually becoming climate resilient is a challenge, particularly in developing countries. Questions that the PhD candidate will engage with include:
The PhD researcher will particularly work with the Nakuru Water and Sanitation Services Company (NAWASSCO) and the Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority (AAWSA) to investigate these questions.
The expected starting date is 1 January 2024.
Fixed-term contract: 18 months with possible extension to 48 months.
This is a position for 48 months (4 years), (38 hours per week), with the expectation that the candidate will submit and successfully defend the PhD thesis within this period. The candidate will be stationed in Delft, the Netherlands. Employment at IHE Delft is according to the Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities (scale P). The appointment implies entry into the Netherlands' Civil Service Pension Fund (ABP).
The initial contract is for 18 months. Within the first year a go/no-go decision will be made based on a detailed PhD research proposal to be developed by the candidate, which will determine whether or not the contract will be extended.
The expected start date of the position is January 1 2024.
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