For the High-Capacity Optical Transmission Laboratory (HCOT) at Eindhoven University of Technology is currently seeking to recruit, starting February 1st, 2023 one Doctoral candidate / Research associate (f/m/d) working on the
Investigation of co-propagation quantum and classical optical signals in point-to-multipoint quantum key distribution system within the framework of the European Doctoral Training Network Quantum Enhanced Optical Communication Network Security (QuNEST Doctoral Candidate 1).
Research Programme Description'
QuNEST- Quantum Enhanced Optical Communication Network Security Doctoral Training' is hiring 11 Doctorate Candidates to be funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Networks. QuNEST is a highly interdisciplinary and intersectoral Doctoral Network composed of leading academic and industrial partners. The consortium consists of six academic institutions, namely: Eindhoven University of Technology (Coordinator), Technical University of Denmark, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, University of L'Aquila, University of Warsaw and University of Geneva as well as the companies: ADVA Network Security, Exatel, IDQuantique, Infinera Germany, KEEQuant (SME), NKT Photonics, Nokia Bell Labs France, Telecom Italia Mobile, Quantum Optical Technologies (SME), Quantum Telecommunications Italy and VPIphotonics and involves seven different European countries. The diverse consortium provides a unique and timely opportunity to train students in quantum physics and optical communications.
The driving force for QuNEST - is to provide high-level and highly collaborative training to 11 highly achieving Doctoral Candidates. This Doctoral Network is a highly multi-disciplinary, spanning areas of quantum physics, simulations, photonics, optical transmission, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocols, implementation security, error correction algorithms, digital signal processing, networks and control, requiring cross-disciplinary and intersectoral training targeted at creating experts in this emerging multidisciplinary field. The QuNEST Doctoral Candidates will be trained by doing research, in which they will demonstrate the potential of combining quantum and classical optical data signals in a single fiber with the aim to develop ground-breaking and commercially attractive, short-to-medium term solutions targeting European industry leadership in this highly challenging sector. QuNEST will train much-needed future scientists and engineers who will design, build, deploy and operate the next generation quantum secured optical communications infrastructure.
The Doctoral Network program is designed to follow technical, scientific, and transferable skills, enabling the next generation of young researchers/engineers with excellent skills in understanding the challenges of quantum secure optical communications. All Doctoral Candidates will carry out secondments and placements with industrial partners at the earliest possible opportunity. Transferable skills and technical workshops from industrial partners will be central to the training of the Doctoral Candidates.
About the Host InstitutionEindhoven University of Technology (TUE) is a highly rated technical university located in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. With an annual budget of 500 million euros, TUE has over 3,000 staff members and 13,000 students and is dedicated to groundbreaking research and education in engineering, science, and technology. TUE has created the new Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute for Photonic Integration and Quantum Technology. Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in the Netherlands offers (pre)graduate engineering programmes (BSc and MSc) and post-graduate technological design (MTD), PhD and teacher training programmes (MSc) and post-academic continuing education. The courses are research-driven and design-oriented. TU/e coordinates several prominent Dutch research schools and institutes, such as Institute for Photonic Integration (IPI) and the Center for Quantum Material and Technology (QT/e) have strong position and a role to play within international research networks. The TU/e is hence a natural partner for technology-intensive enterprises. The campus is a fertile breeding ground for new business ventures. The TU/e hosts the Dutch national centre on III-V-semiconductors and optoelectronics. With these facilities, TU/e have one of the world's best-equipped academic research centres in the field of Photonics and Quantum Communications
The High-Capacity Optical Transmission Laboratory (HCOT) Lab is a globally recognised research laboratory focused on ultra-high speed and quantum secure optical communications systems. HCOT lab specializes in developing innovative advanced signal processing techniques for optical channels including Discrete and Continuous Variable Quantum secure communications. By leveraging one of Europe's most advanced laboratories working on: optical fiber transmission, Quantum communications, Space division multiplexing transmission, free space optical Communications, HCOT develops advanced modulation techniques and encoding and decoding schemes to enable point to multipoint networks. HCOT is present in several other national and European projects (e,g. the Dutch National growth funds programmes on Photonics and Quantum Technology). The lab is engaged in several internal activities on education at TU/e. As the leading party in QuNEST, HCOT will coordinate the effective training of future experts on quantum secure classical networks to ensure that the doctoral candidates carry out relevant research for the future employment as a results HCOT has a strong ecosystem of start-ups and companies.
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Job Description - Project title: Investigation of co-propagation quantum classical channels in point-to-multipoint QKD
- Host institution: Eindhoven University of Technology
- PhD enrolment: Eindhoven University of Technology
- Supervisors: Chigo Okonkwo, Thomas Bradley (Eindhoven University of Technology) and Paulina Jasiak (EXATEL, Poland) Mentor: I.Khan (KEEQuant, Germany)
- Research Objectives: To investigate co-propagating classical signals and noise or crosstalk limited quantum channels through existing single-mode and multi-mode optical fibres. The candidate will develop models of classical and quantum signal co-propagation including nonlinear effects (Stimulated Raman Scattering, Stimulated Brillouin Scattering, Four Wave Mixing, and other non-linear effects in optical fibers) to understand the impact on secret key rate given specific QKD protocols at 64 or 256QAM . The doctoral candidate will characterize and compare models and/or experimental evaluate optical channels. The candidate will design/develop and verify security implications of different multiplexing schemes (time, frequency, space) to enable effective co-propagation of classical and quantum signals with research on specific performance implications for both quantum key distribution and a classical coherent optical signal.
- Expected Results: Model for the co-propagation of classical and quantum signals including nonlinear effects, Development and demonstration of Modulation and multiplexing for quantum and classical signal co-propagation to reduce noise factor and improve secret key rates, Demonstration of multiplexing and modulation of classical and quantum signals on the world's first multi-core fiber testbed at University of L'Aquila.
- Secondments: The doctoral candidate secondments periods are planned at ADVA Network Security, Quantum Telecommunications Italy, Telecom Italia Mobile, Italy and Infinera, Germany