We have an opening for an Assistant Professor in Verification of Cryptographic implementations. We are looking for an enthusiastic colleague to strengthen our team and complement our research and teaching activities. We conduct research in many applied as well as theoretical areas of cryptology. Our team is especially known for our contributions to post-quantum cryptography. We provide an excellent environment for collaboration and support each other in continuous growth as scholars.
The Discrete Mathematics (DM) cluster of the department of Mathematics and Computer Science is home to seven professors and many PhD students and postdocs working on cryptography. Our expertise ranges from cryptanalysis to machine-checking cryptographic proofs. To get an impression of our research, visit the
cluster website as well as the personal websites of our team members. We have strong collaborations all over the world, working with different teams in Europe, Asia, and North America from academia as well as industry. Among others, we are part of
Formosa Crypto. At TU/e we are part of the Eindhoven Institute for the Protection of Systems and Information (Ei/PSI), the Eindhoven Henrik Casimir Institute, and QT/e, collaborating on different areas of quantum technology and security, as well as cyber security, and privacy.
Our team has been successful in winning personal and big collaborative research grants: In recent years, the team received two NWO Vidi, and one Veni grant. This position is part of such a big collaborative research grant on cyber security, together with CWI, Radboud University, University of Amsterdam, and the Vrije Universiteit, that is coordinated by TU/e. This is a result of mutual support in applying for these grants.
DM offers a broad spectrum of bachelor and master courses addressing various aspects of discrete mathematics and specializations in cryptography, ranging from general introductory courses to courses on Applied Cryptography, Software Security, and Cryptographic Protocols. Our courses are relevant to the bachelor and master programs in mathematics and in computer science.
We are especially looking for great candidates with a passion for cryptographic implementations and for formal verification of security properties. However, we would also like to encourage strong candidates with other areas of expertise to apply. Successful candidates should be able to connect to and complement the current expertise of the cluster.