PhD: Resilience Optimisation of Spatially Extended Tipping-prone Systems

PhD: Resilience Optimisation of Spatially Extended Tipping-prone Systems

Published Deadline Location
12 Jun 4 Jul Utrecht

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Are you interested to see how mathematics and spatial patterns can best help combat climate change?

Job description

Are you passionate about working at the intersection of mathematics, climate science, and ecology? Join us for this exciting interdisciplinary PhD position!

Your job
As a consequence of global climate change and local human activities, such as the occurrence of droughts and deforestation, many ecosystems and climate subsystems are put under pressure. It is feared that the response of these systems to these anthropogenic forcings might include large, abrupt and irreversible critical shifts when they are pushed beyond their tipping points. However, it has become clear that for spatially extended systems – such as ecosystems and climate subsystems – it is also possible that only part of the spatial domain is affected, thus potentially limiting the impact of tipping of those systems. This is due to the possibility of finding spatially heterogeneous states, such as regular Turing patterns or coexistence states, in which part of the domain is in one state and part of the domain in another. Recently, it has been argued that this spatial patterning can lead to an evasion of tipping points, or a more fragmented tipping pathway with multiple smaller transitions.

However, due to the intricate multistability of spatially extended systems, many different tipping pathways could be found, depending on for example the precise forcing scenario, pre-existing spatial patterns and the spatial variation in environmental conditions. As some tipping pathways are more favourable than others, it is of interest to investigate how the most desired tipping pathway can be selected. That is, which conditions should be created to ensure that a system’s natural pattern formation can best enhance the system’s resilience? This is the central question that will be answered in this project. For this, we will formulate and solve relevant mathematical optimisation problems using analytical and numerical techniques from mathematical pattern formation theory and optimisation theory. We will do so via conceptual mathematical models of increasing complexity. Further, we will apply this methodology for vegetation preservation and restoration in dryland ecosystem models. These results will provide relevant insights for preservation and restoration activities, also in other natural systems, and will give handles on how to postpone or prevent the crossing of unwanted tipping points, how to promote the crossing of desired tipping points and how to mitigate the negative effects of crossing a tipping point.

As a PhD candidate on this project, you will be embedded at both the Mathematical Institute and the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU) to perform interdisciplinary research bridging gaps between mathematical theory on tipping in spatially extended systems and applications in ecosystems and climate subsystems.

You will perform research using both analytic and numeric techniques from different fields of mathematics and physics, such as the field of pattern formation and optimisation. Further, you will apply and interpret your obtained results for wider scientific audiences of climate scientists and ecologists, giving concrete direction towards your results.

As a PhD candidate, you will also help with teaching of Bachelor's and/or Master's courses.


Utrecht University


We are looking for a candidate who is enthusiastic and motivated to make a significant contribution to our research. Furthermore, we like you to bring the following qualifications:
  • a Master’s degree in (Applied) Mathematics, (Applied) Physics, or a related field, or currently in the process of completing such a degree;
  • solid understanding of concepts from dynamical systems theory;
  • interest in mathematical analysis and interpreting results in a broader scientific context;
  • oral and written communication skills in English;
  • It is an advantage, but not necessary, to have experience with mathematical biology, mathematical ecology and/or climate physics, and with pattern formation theory and/or mathematical optimisation.

Conditions of employment

We offer:
  • a position for four years;
  • a gross monthly salary between €2,770 in the first year and €3,539 in the fourth year in the case of full-time employment (salary scale P under the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO NU);
  • 8% holiday pay and 8.3% year-end bonus;
  • a pension scheme, partially paid parental leave and flexible terms of employment based on the CAO NU.

In addition to the terms of employment laid down in the CAO NU, Utrecht University has a number of schemes and facilities of its own for employees. This includes schemes facilitating professional development, leave schemes and schemes for sports and cultural activities, as well as discounts on software and other IT products. We also offer access to additional employee benefits through our Terms of Employment Options Model. In this way, we encourage our employees to continue to invest in their growth. For more information, please visit working at Utrecht University.


Universiteit Utrecht

A better future for everyone. This ambition motivates our scientists in executing their leading research and inspiring teaching. At Utrecht University, the various disciplines collaborate intensively towards major strategic themes. Our focus is on Dynamics of Youth, Institutions for Open Societies, Life Sciences and Pathways to Sustainability. Sharing science, shaping tomorrow.

At the Faculty of Science there are 6 departments to make a fundamental connection with: Biology, Chemistry, Information and Computing Sciences, Mathematics, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Physics. Each of these is made up of distinct institutes that work together to focus on answering some of humanity’s most pressing challenges. More fundamental still are the individual research groups – the building blocks of our ambitious scientific projects.

The Mathematical Institute of the Department of Mathematics organises and teaches the BSc curricula in Mathematics as well as the (English-taught) MSc programme in Mathematics. The Institute is internationally recognised for its excellent research in both pure and applied mathematics. It has a long-standing tradition of transdisciplinary collaboration with other scientific fields. Interdisciplinary activities include, but are not limited to, theoretical physics, theoretical biology, and life sciences.

The Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU) offers a unique research and teaching environment, in which the fundamentals of the climate system are studied. Research is organised in five themes: Atmospheric Dynamics, Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry, Coastal and Shelf Sea Dynamics, Ice and Climate and Oceans and Climate. In 2023, an international visitation committee judged IMAU research to be of outstanding quality and highly relevant. In 2017, IMAU research quality and impact were qualified as 'world leading' by an international visitation committee. IMAU offers a friendly, open and international atmosphere.


  • PhD
  • Natural sciences
  • 36—40 hours per week
  • €2770—€3539 per month
  • University graduate
  • 3995



Budapestlaan 6, 3584CD, Utrecht

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