Postdoc on Digital Twinning of Positive Energy Districts

Postdoc on Digital Twinning of Positive Energy Districts

Published Deadline Location
1 Jul 4 Aug Eindhoven

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If you are interested in Energy Coordination in & between Urban Positive Energy Districts, and you want to contribute to Digital Twinning Engines and Models, then this job advertisement is for you.

Job description

Research project description

The unfolding energy transition is currently being hampered by emerging problems with capacity shortages in the infrastructures for electric power. Lack of systems integration and, especially, the absence of mechanisms to use decentral energy flexibility for active network management leads to acute stagnation of electrification of energy demand and greening of energy supply. Longer-term transition-oriented research is needed to complement the sector's current focus on short-term problem-oriented solutions. Simulation tooling that provides a rigorous understanding of the (local) electricity networks and the wider electricity system, including prosumers and their energy flexibility, is needed to develop energy coordination mechanisms in and between Urban Positive Energy Districts (UPEDs).

The Positive Energy District Digital Twinning (PEDi-Twins) project is performed by a PostDoc researcher and a Research Software Engineer that will (1) investigate and develop energy coordination mechanisms within and between Urban Positive Energy Districts, (2) develop a model suite for UPED digital twinning, making reuse of (existing and future) models of different research groups easier, and (3) work with key stakeholders on relevant application/validation cases, possibly based on direct knowledge questions from stakeholders, to ensure energy transition impact.

Job description

Your main scientific focus will be on operational coordination methods for local energy systems and the simulation tools and models validating those. You develop knowledge and (software) mechanisms for decentralized optimization of local energy systems (e.g. based on multi-goal/multi-carrier coordination, local market systems, energy flexibility strategies) to actively contribute to resiliency and balancing of regional energy systems.

You actively interact with key stakeholders (industry, network operators, municipalities, provinces, energy communities, and industrial energy hubs) to develop application/validation cases to investigate and demonstrate the merits of the solutions developed. By doing so, you create insights in techno-regulatory transition paths to avoid undesirable lock-in of short-term solutions that might hamper the energy transition in the mid-to-long term. Part of your time, you will be available to address specific knowledge questions from stakeholders related to the energy transition in the built environment.

Your work will built forth on TU/e strengths in modelling and coordination of (local) energy systems. You will be embedded in and contribute to the Intelligent Energy Systems research of the Electrical Energy Systems (EES) group. TU/e EES has and develops systems integration simulation tools and models with a rigorous power systems focus. Research related to this position happens in the GO-E project and the MegaMind program. You will cooperate with both the Control Systems Technology group and the Technology, Innovation & Society group, that have and develop system integration tools and models focusing on the integrated (future) multi-energy systems of cities, regions and provinces, including technical and social aspects. Here, related tools and models originate from the  projects NEON and HOLON, for instance. You contribute to the strategic goal to make reuse of (existing and future) models of different research groups easier.

This position and research project are made possible by the BEHeaT program initiated by the Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems (EIRES). EIRES facilitates the collaborative development and swift deployment of new technologies and devices by bringing together TU/e researchers working on materials, systems, and processes for energy storage and conversion. 
EIRES consists of collaborating research groups within TUe. These include over 140 researchers and more than 450 PhDs. EIRES brings these researchers together and creates new network connections between researchers and industry.

Within the focus area of energy transition in the built environment, a large-scale research program was recently launched. This program, BEHeaT, stands for Built Environment HeaTransition. The program is funded with TUe's own resources as well as contributions from industry. The research program has a pragmatic approach.

Within the BEHeaT program, research is conducted into the (further) development of various (new) materials, components and/or systems in relation to intelligent buildings, heat storage, heat networks and/or electricity grids. The focus is not only on physical materials, components and systems, but also on dynamic (predictive) models. We believe that in order to have impact, any research must take systems integration as its starting point. In addition, we believe that technology does not stand alone and should always be seen in relation to the (end) user. In this way, the impact of research results is increased.


Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)


  • Motivated researcher, with a PhD related to intelligent energy systems, energy systems modelling, power system operations or a related topic.
  • The ideal candidate would have research experience related to operational coordination methods for local energy systems and/or energy systems simulation tools and models. Strong affinity with electrical power systems is a preferred.
  • Ability to conduct high quality academic research, reflected in demonstratable outputs.
  • A team player who enjoys coaching PhD and Master's students and working in a dynamic, interdisciplinary team.
  • A proven ability to manage complex projects to completion on schedule.
  • Excellent (written and verbal) proficiency in English, good communication skills.
  • Independent and responsible.
  • Can-do mentality

Conditions of employment

A meaningful job in a dynamic and ambitious university, in an interdisciplinary setting and within an international network. You will work on a beautiful, green campus within walking distance of the central train station. In addition, we offer you:
  • Full-time employment for 2 years.
  • Salary in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, scale 10 (min. €3,877 max. €5,090).
  • A year-end bonus of 8.3% and annual vacation pay of 8%.
  • High-quality training programs on general skills, didactics and topics related to research and valorization.
  • An excellent technical infrastructure, on-campus children's day care and sports facilities.
  • Partially paid parental leave and an allowance for commuting, working from home and internet costs.
  • A TU/e Postdoc Association that helps you to build a stronger and broader academic and personal network, and offers tailored support, training and workshops.
  • A Staff Immigration Team is available for international candidates, as are a tax compensation scheme (the 30% facility) and a compensation for moving expenses.


  • Postdoc
  • Engineering
  • max. 38 hours per week
  • Doctorate
  • V36.7582


Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

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De Rondom 70, 5612 AP, Eindhoven

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