Job description
Our research in the field of Professional Learning & Technology is situated at the intersection of educational science, human resource development, organizational psychology, and organization science. Our young, vibrant, and interdisciplinary research group combines fundamental research on individual, team, and (inter-)organizational learning processes with more applied research projects in which tools are developed to support (future) professionals in their continuous learning and development. Besides developing and applying technology to facilitate professional learning, this group is also very active in using technology to better grasp learning processes and how they unfold. As a researcher, you will have access to our BMS Lab, providing you with 800 m2 of high-end lab facilities, a plethora of innovative equipment to carry out research, and a mobile lab.
Our projects often focus on learning and development challenges related to significant societal transitions or technological developments. We study how employees keep up with and contribute to these transitions, often by taking a process approach that varies from intensive longitudinal methods with apps and sensors to in-depth ethnographic studies. To support employees and their organizations during these transitions, we co-create with stakeholders tools and interventions, such as VR trainings, learning community methods, or feedback tools for team learning. We highly value team science and build new collaborations within and beyond our university. We are active members of several research collectives, organize small group meetings ourselves, and are strongly embedded in international research communities like EARLI, AoM, and EGOS.
As an Assistant Professor in our group, you will(co-)teach in the HRD track of our leading Master and pre-master program of Educational Science and Technology (EST) and the module Professional Learning in Organizations in the Bachelor Psychology programsupervise students from these programs in their graduation assignments. You will engage in cross-disciplinary collaboration with other groups in the department Learning, Data, and Technology, the BMS faculty and the university and contribute to the development of our network of academic, public, and private partners in the field of professional learning and technology. You are stimulated to develop your own line of funded research within the field of professional learning and technology. Contribution towards the supervision of PhD students (multiple projects available) is part of this position. Of course, you will be invited to take part in and support our team development activities, such as our collective “Shut Up and Write Weeks”, our innovation groups, and several social activities.
The PLT research group is an engaged group of people who share a passion for how people learn, develop, collaborate, and innovate at work, within and across their organizations. We bring together diverse backgrounds and scholarly communities, including Educational Sciences, Business Administration Organization Studies, Communication Science, and Psychology. We study professionals’ learning and development - at the individual level but also in teams and across organizational boundaries. Core concepts include: team learning and reflexivity, technology-enhanced learning, leadership and organizational change, learning communities & new forms of organizing, professional identity, an innovative work behavior and resilience. Our research ranges from advanced statistical analyses and measurements with bodily sensors to highly embedded, ethnographic, and interpretative approaches. We teach in the Human Resource Development track of the (pre)master Educational Science & Technology program and in a minor module on Professional Learning in Organizations. The PLT research group is embedded in the Learning, Data, and Technology Department withing the Faculty of Behavioural, Management, and Social Science.