PhD/Postdoc position in adaptive MRI-guided radiotherapy (AMPLIFY project)

PhD/Postdoc position in adaptive MRI-guided radiotherapy (AMPLIFY project)

Published Deadline Location
25 Sep 16 Oct Utrecht

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The department of Radiotherapy of the University Medical Center Utrecht is looking for a PhD-student or postdoc to extend the current capabilities and patient inclusion criteria for modern MR-guided radiotherapy treatment machines, ie. the MR-Linac.

Job description

The aim of the project and task of the candidate is hereby to research and develop the methodological framework required for enabling multi-position treatments on the MR-Linac. On a practical level, the framework should allow the safe and accurate treatment of multiple target areas in a single session, such that the entire extent of the disease receives the prescribed radiation dose. This will therefore require the development new MR image acquisition protocols as well as motion compensation solutions, to track and address the changing patient anatomy during treatment delivery. These should also be complemented by a set of intuitive quality assurance criteria, in order to guarantee the reliability of any potential motion-related corrections resulting from the developed framework.

The MR-Linac, a combination of a radiotherapy system and a 1.5T MRI scanner, has allowed RT treatment delivery with unprecedented precision. This is mainly due to its ability to deliver radiation and simultaneously provide MR images, allowing clear visualization and identification of the tumor and organs-at-risk.

Despite its high potential to yield higher chance of curation while decreasing toxicity, the MR-Linac is however currently limited by its somewhat restricted treatment field size of 22cm in the feet/head direction. As a consequence, patients with extensive disease cannot be treated on the MR-Linac.


University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht)


  • You have obtained your master’s degree or PhD in physics, biomedical engineering, technical medicine, medical physics or a related field in applied medical sciences.
  • You have a background in MR-physics and/or demonstrable experience with MR sequence development.
  • You have experience with Matlab or Python programming (basic knowledge of C++ programming is also preferred).
  • You are proficient in spoken and written English.
  • The ability to work comfortably in an interdisciplinary environment is a strong plus.

Application procedure
To apply, send a motivation letter, CV, and academic transcript (with grades). If you are applying for a postdoc position please also include a list of your publications in the motivation letter.


You will be working at Center for Image Sciences at the UMC Utrecht, within the Radiotherapy department. You will work in a multi-disciplinary environment with technical and clinical colleagues, embedded in a large radiotherapy clinic. The department has 3 MRI-accelerator systems, 11 conventional radiotherapy systems and state-of-the-art imaging systems, CT, 1.5T and 3T MRI and a MRI-guided brachytherapy suite, treating approximately 5500 new patients annually. Together this provides the infra-structure to (technically) explore and clinically evaluate technical innovations.


  • Postdoc; PhD; Research, development, innovation
  • Health
  • max. 36 hours per week
  • University graduate
  • 2024-5183


University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht)

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Heidelberglaan 100, 3584CX, Utrecht

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