In a project funded by the Netherlands Lung Foundation, we investigate lung growth up to peak lung function in early adulthood in the national birth cohort PIAMA (Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy). This unique cohort investigates over 4,000 children from birth into early adulthood. We aim to understand what determines lung growth, as low lung function is a risk factor for COPD and collected data on nasal epigenome, and blood metabolome. If the candidate is successful, we will offer a second position (2 years) funded by a VICI scholarship to professor Koppelman, where we investigate asthma development in childhood by mul-omics analysis, including single cell RNA sequencing and DNA-methylation.
Integrative multi-omics is a central part of
GRIACs activities, and GRIAC investigators have leading roles in single cell transcriptome sequencing, genome sequencing, epigenetic and integrative multi-omics studies of asthma, allergy, and COPD. We lead international research consortia, and have a strong portfolio of academic and industrial collaborations. We incorporate methods from artificial intelligence in our research and are able to train you in innovative methods.
The candidate is expected to
- Perform epigenetic analysis of nasal DNA methylation and lung growth.
- Integrate these data with other ‘omic’ layers, including genetic variation, and gene expression, at two different timepoints using machine learning.
- Participate in the National PIAMA consortium, as well as international collaborations.
- Contribute to the training and supervision of PhD students in our department.