Technician pediatric immunology

Technician pediatric immunology

Published Deadline Location
25 Nov 9 Dec Utrecht

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We offer a position for a research technician to perform in-depth cellular research, aimed to understand how isolated respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) proteins can change airway epithelial cell function.

Job description

The technician is funded by the EC-funded CLARITY project, and focuses on mechanisms how severe lower airway infections with RSV (respiratory syncytial virus, a virus that infects nearly all infants before the age of 2 years) are linked to asthma development.

Your responsibility will be the culturing and maintenance of human epithelial cell lines and airway organoid cultures. You will use CRISPR/Cas9 to introduce susceptibility gene variants by whole genome editing in these cell cultures and perform follow-up assays and techniques, such as qPCR, live-cell imaging, flow cytometry, and ELISA. As a research technician you will also be responsible for data analysis and the logistics and maintenance of the laboratory equipment and supplies.


University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht)


We are looking for a talented and highly motivated research technician with an HBO degree in laboratory sciences, with expertise in molecular biology. You have excellent experimental skills and experience in cloning, cell culture, flow cytometry, ELISA’s and qPCR experiments. Affinity with pediatric immunology, molecular techniques, and genetics is a plus. You should have good communication skills, organizational talent, be flexible and a good team player. Finally, self-initiative and an eagerness to learn are highly appreciated.

Conditions of employment

The maximum salary for this position (28 - 36 hours) is € 4.214,00 gross per month based on full-time employment.

In addition, we offer an annual benefit of 8.3%, holiday allowance, travel expenses and career opportunities. The terms of employment are in accordance with the Cao University Medical Centers (UMC).


You will work in the laboratory of Dr. Boes (pediatric immunology), which is hosted in the Center of Translational Immunology (CTI) at the UMC Utrecht. The group of Boes is composed of an international team of researchers that are actively collaborating on projects to prevent the development of immune-mediated diseases. You will work together with an appointed PostDoc and collaborate with multiple scientists in our team. The CTI is a well-facilitated department with experts in all fields of immunology, and is embedded in the focus area ‘Infection and Immunology’ of the UMC Utrecht. We are structured to facilitate bench-to-bed side research. Within the CTI and the UMCU/UU, we have state-of-the-art facilities for flow cytometry, imaging, mass spectrometry, and RNA sequencing.


  • Technical and laboratory
  • Health
  • 28—36 hours per week
  • max. €4214 per month
  • Higher professional education
  • 2024-5367


University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht)

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Heidelberglaan 100, 3584CX, Utrecht

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