Apply for this job

This application process is managed by the employer (Wageningen University & Research). Please contact the employer for questions regarding your application.

Thank you for applying

Please contact the employer for questions regarding your application.

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Application procedure

For more information about this position, please contact Eric Steinebach, Head of Construction & Housing Management, telephone 0317-486 226 or by e-mail

For more information about the procedure, please contact Edvard Jongschaap, telephone: 0317–489 178 or by e-mail:

Do you want to apply?
This can be done directly via the application button for this vacancy so that we can process personal data with your permission. It is mandatory (!) to upload your cover letter and CV in Dutch, because you must have a good command of Dutch both verbally and in writing;

This vacancy is open until Monday 13th of January 2025

Make sure to apply no later than 13 Jan 2025 23:59 (Europe/Amsterdam).