Our next event will be online, worldwide, on Saturday March 23, 2024 from 8:00 AM to 11 PM (CEST). Registration is open and free.
Register now for early bird free access
Listen to our two short 7-minute podcasts to prepare!
But wait, there's more! The Netherlands has a plethora of unique offerings that set it apart:
Are you ready to embark on this life-changing adventure? The Netherlands beckons with open arms, ready to welcome you into its academic haven.
Unlock your dreams today and let the Netherlands be your canvas for success!
Join us and explore 20 more reasons why The Netherlands is truly extraordinary!
AcademicTransfer organizes two kind of events: Offline, live events on location and Online, virtual events. Please head to the section that describes the event you are going to visit.
During live events, all times -like suggested interview times- are set in the local timezone of the country the event takes place. Only candidates with a personal invitation for a scheduled interview are invited and can be admitted to the venue. Make sure to bring your ID card or passport. You should have received a scheduled time slot of 20 minutes from the professor or recruiter. Please make sure to be present at least 15 minutes before the interview starts. We know traffic can be cumbersome in some cities, so make sure to arrive in time. All time slots are specifically assigned to one person and there is no room to postpone an interview to a later moment that day.
During virtual events, all times -like suggested interview times- are set in the Netherlands timezone (CET or during summertime CEST). You should have received a scheduled time slot of 20 minutes from the professor or recruiter. Please make sure to be present at least 15 minutes before the interview starts. All time slots are specifically assigned to one person and there is no room to postpone an interview to a later moment that day.
Listen and watch the tips shared by your fellow academics who are working in The Netherlands now: