Career success begins with knowing yourself. Are you aware of your strengths, weaknesses and preferred working style?

When you know yourself, it’s easier to find your dream job. You can shape your own career path if you know what qualities you bring to your next job and which skills you would still like to develop. Take our self-assessment to do some self reflection. Afterwards, work with the results and start improving your skills. Do you prefer an introduction of the self-assessment first? Listen to our podcast 'Know thyself'!

Take our self-assessment

Our self-assessment helps you to get a better understanding of your talents. You will get to know:

  • what your preferred approach is to developing and sharing knowledge
  • how you preferably work with others
  • how you demonstrate personal leadership
  • what your preferred working style is

The test consists of 149 questions. You will be presented two statements and have to choose which one suits you best. There are no right or wrong answers.

The self-assessment is free, you only need an AcademicTransfer account. This test is provided by Pontes, you will be redirected to their website.

Work with the results

You will get a report with the results of the test. With this report you can do a first gap analysis between your current competencies and skills compared with your next desired position. When you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses, you can start working on improving your skills with our Career Buddy.

Podcast 'Know Thyself'

Listen to our podcast and discover what the self assessment is all about. Enjoy!