Setting up meetings and events

In today’s world, networking has become extremely important. In terms of employability, your research is not enough. Employers seek emotionally aware individuals that can present their findings and ideas in a compelling manner and demonstrate effective communication skills. Follow these three steps to gain experience in setting up an event.

Attending (career) events and conferences is important as well. Listen to our podcast about navigating recruitment events. And get inspired by conference experience and advice of our bloggers.

3 steps to set up an event

Organising meetings, trainings and events gives you the opportunity to experience the vibe of connecting and to develop organisational skills. Let’s see how you can set up a meeting or event!

Step one: compose a roadmap
Step two: carry out your roadmap
Step three: define your takeaways

Step one: compose a roadmap

First of all it’s important to find a topic of your interest and ensure you gain some basic knowledge in the field (self study) and or build further on your own expertise. Finding a community to fit with your topic is helpful, e.g. within your Graduate School or Alumni network. You can use the Career Navigator to find out about people and organisations whom you would like to involve in the event.

Build a team of co-organisers if you want to create an impactful event, it is always better to share roles and tasks in organising bigger events. Also think about the format you want to use for the event (live, online, blended) and its effects.

A template can help you organise a scientific event or workshop. Some examples: Ten simple rules for organising a scientific event, Template organising a workshop.

Step two: carry out your roadmap

According to the type of event, work through the format and create a list of actions and deadlines:

  • Invite speakers and experts personally with deadlines and clear expected outline
  • Prepare content for marketing tools e.g. newsletters, online community, mailing list and make a planning when these marketing actions should be carried out
  • Contract providers of catering and provider of location (e.g. hotel or conference centre or museum or online (e.g. gather town)
  • Divide roles; hosting/ technical, etc

Step three: define your takeaways

Evaluate the event and share learning points with successors. Thank all participants and co-organisers. Take time to share the take-away of the event with people in and outside your organisation. Don’t forget to link with the people you have met and stay tuned. It can be useful to build intervision groups or study groups to re-connect together. Final tip: write down what you learned, and what more you'd like to know.

Podcast 'Navigating recruitment events'

AcademicTransfer has organised international recruitment events. Learn how to make the most out of these events, whether they're live or virtual.