University of Amsterdam

Engaged, innovative and determined

About the UvA

With over 6,000 staff, 41,000 students and a budget of more than 850 million euros, the University of Amsterdam (UvA) is a major intellectual hub in the Netherlands. Teaching and research take place in the University’s seven faculties: Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Economics and Business, Law, Science, Medicine and Dentistry. The UvA has four city campuses in or near the centre of Amsterdam where different disciplines come together and interact, and the faculties have close links with thousands of researchers and hundreds of institutions at home and abroad.

The UvA’s students and employees are independent thinkers, competent rebels who dare to question dogmas and are not satisfied with easy answers and standard solutions. Working at the UvA means working in an independent, creative, innovative and international climate characterised by an open atmosphere and a genuine engagement with the city of Amsterdam and its society.

The UvA as workplace

The UvA offers an inspiring academic environment within a world-class city. We regularly have job opportunties for talented and ambitious individuals who feel an affinity with our profile. Besides opportunities for researchers, lecturers, PhD candidates and student assistants, we also have regular openings for support staff in areas including ICT, finance and administration, policy and management, facilities, communications and library services.

Why work for the UvA?

With over 30,000 students and 5,000 staff (engaged in teaching, research and support positions), the University of Amsterdam (UvA) is one of the larger comprehensive research universities in Europe. The quality of education and research at its seven faculties is highly regarded.

Meaningful work and opportunities for development

The UvA is a sought-after employer: it offers meaningful work in an academic environment, where its staff enjoy plenty of responsibility and opportunities for professional development.

Employees with ambition

The UvA regularly has job opportunities for talented and ambitious individuals. Apart from research, teaching and PhD positions for academic staff, there are also openings for policy advisers, controllers and other support staff in ICT, administration, HR, communications and secretarial positions, as well as jobs for student assistants.

Active engagement, open environment

Colourful, unconventional, dynamic, internationally oriented and ambitious - these are typical characteristics of UvA employees. Working at the UvA means working in a critical, independent, creative, innovative and international environment with an open atmosphere and a strong commitment to Amsterdam and society.


Doing your PhD at the UvA

The UvA offers PhD candidates an attractive research environment where they can develop their talents fully. Key qualities of the UvA are its critical, creative and international climate, an open atmosphere and active engagement with the city of Amsterdam and society.

Fundamental research in many areas at the UvA is rated highly in international rankings. The UvA is very successful in competing, both nationally and internationally, for external research funding. You can find more information at

European Commission Award: HR Excellence in Research


In 2014, the UvA was awarded the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission. The award recognises the quality of the UvA’s human resources policy and provides an impetus for ongoing improvements. Find out more information, including the proposed action plan.

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