The postdoc position is embedded
both in the Philosophy Department (Faculty of Humanities) and the Faculty of Religion and Theology. It is part of Dr. Rik Peels’
ERC-funded Starting Grant project ‘Extreme Beliefs: The Epistemology and Ethics of Fundamentalism’, which is devoted to a conceptual and normative analysis and assessment of fundamentalist belief. The purpose of the postdoc project is to conceptualize fundamentalist belief on a group level (rather than on the individual level). It will do so by addressing three sub-questions. First, which intellectual virtues and vices do fundamentalist groups display
as groups? Thus, what would it mean for a group to be narrow-minded, dogmatist, or gullible? Second, under which conditions is it rational to trust a particular authority within a social group and fundamentalist groups in particular? Third, to what extent fundamentalist belief can still be rational (and what other epistemic features it can have) in the face of substantial peer disagreement? The hypotheses developed by way of conceptual analysis will be applied, tested, and fine-tuned in four cases studies. The project will be carried out in close collaboration with the project’s principal investigator, Rik Peels, and the other PhD’s (especially the PhD who works on the epistemology of individual fundamentalist belief) and post-docs in the project. The position includes ample funding for research and travel. A detailed project description is available
here. Candidates are strongly encouraged to read the project description carefully when preparing their applications. The postdoc project will start in January 2021.
Your duties
- conduct research on the project’s topic, resulting in at least five journal articles (in philosophy journals and various journals in fields that contribute to fundamentalism studies, such as psychology and criminology)
- participate in teaching and research activities in one or both departments, that is, the Philosophy Department and the Faculty of Religion and Theology
- co-edit a special issue or book
- co-organize lectures and a workshop