Apply for this job

This application process is managed by the employer (Wageningen University & Research). Please contact the employer for questions regarding your application.

Thank you for applying

Please contact the employer for questions regarding your application.

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Application procedure

Further information about the position can be acquired from Prof. Dr. Bas Zwaan, Chair of the Appointment Advisory Committee, email

More detailed information on the profile, and WUR Applied Statistics, is available upon request via the executive secretary of the Committee, Kasper ter Horst,

You are encouraged to upload your complete application via the respond button on top of this page. Please include in separate documents, in Pdf format:
  1. an application letter,
  2. a curriculum vitae,
  3. a list of publications,
  4. a statement of research and education interests and intended direction of the chair group of approximately 1,000 words.

Applications can be sent until and March 24th 2025. We intend to use this recruitment to find a candidate who will diversify the current department of Plant Sciences. We therefore especially encourage female candidates, and candidates from abroad, to apply for this position.

The committee will inform you about the status of your application after 17th of April. Selected candidates will be interviewed for this position on Monday 12th of May 2025. The committee will thereafter invite short-listed candidates for a second interview and a public lecture on Thursday 12th of June 2025.

Welcome, safe, and valued
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) highly values diversity and inclusion because we believe that different insights lead to innovative solutions. We create a work environment where everyone feels welcome, safe, and appreciated, regardless of background, identity, or experience. Together, we are building a culture where everyone's unique contribution adds to the success of our organization.

Make sure to apply no later than 24 Mar 2025 23:59 (Europe/Amsterdam).