Apply for this job
This application process is managed by the employer (Wageningen University & Research). Please contact the employer for questions regarding your application.
Thank you for applying
Please contact the employer for questions regarding your application.
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Application procedure
For more information about this position, please contact dr. Daniel Probst or prof. Dick de Ridder, telephone +31 317 484074 or by e-mail, or
For more information about the procedure, please contact Noorien Abbas, corporate recruiter,
vacaturemeldingen.psg@wur.nlDo you want to apply? You can apply directly using the apply button on the vacancy page on our website which will allow us to process your personal information with your approval.
This vacancy will be listed up to and including April 28th 2025
Welcome, safe, and valued Wageningen University & Research (WUR) highly values diversity and inclusion because we believe that different insights lead to innovative solutions. We create a work environment where everyone feels welcome, safe, and appreciated, regardless of background, identity, or experience. Together, we are building a culture where everyone's unique contribution adds to the success of our organization.