Doing research in the Netherlands

Discover your research career in the Netherlands

Exploring career opportunities abroad introduces exciting challenges and undoubtedly raises many questions. Beyond finding a job and an employer, you’ll likely want to understand the culture, habits, and work environment of your potential new home. Our goal is to provide all the information you need to consider a career in research in the Netherlands.

Why choose the Netherlands for your research career?

The Netherlands offers a vibrant and supportive environment for researchers and academics. Here’s why:

  • World-class research institutions with high international rankings
  • World's best innovative top sectors: agri & food, water, logistics, high tech, energy, horticulture, IT, chemistry, life sciences and creative industries
  • No tuition fees for PhD programs: PhD candidates treated as employees
  • Innovative, collaborative, international, and interdisciplinary research culture
  • High quality of life and excellent work-life balance
  • Central European location with high English proficiency

Testimonial working in Dutch academia

Get to know academic employers in the Netherlands


Some of the world’s best universities and academic institutes are located in the Netherlands, and they are always seeking talented researchers worldwide. Meet the Dutch academic employers; research universities, university medical centers and top research institutes. Get to know the organisations, people and culture and discover their opportunities for researchers.

Top sectors in the Netherlands



The Netherlands is a pioneer in sustainable agriculture and food technology. Researchers here delve into cutting-edge methods for increasing crop yield, enhancing food quality, and improving sustainability throughout the food chain, making it an ideal destination for those interested in agricultural innovation.



Dutch chemistry research is renowned for its focus on sustainability and green chemistry. From developing novel materials to advancing chemical processes, researchers contribute to a greener and more sustainable future while collaborating with leading industry players.


Creative Industries

The Dutch creative sector thrives on innovation and collaboration across various disciplines, including design, fashion, media, and gaming. Researchers in this dynamic field explore new forms of expression, digital technologies, and creative entrepreneurship, contributing to a vibrant and diverse cultural landscape.



With a strong commitment to renewable energy and sustainability, the Netherlands is a hub for innovative energy research. From offshore wind farms to smart grid technologies, researchers here tackle the challenges of energy transition and climate change while driving advancements in clean energy solutions.


High Tech Systems

Dutch expertise in high-tech systems and materials is renowned worldwide. Researchers in this sector work at the forefront of technology, developing cutting-edge solutions in areas such as nanotechnology, photonics, and robotics, contributing to advancements that shape industries globally.



The Netherlands is a leader in horticulture research, known for its advanced greenhouse technologies and innovative approaches to crop cultivation. Researchers in this sector focus on increasing crop resilience, optimizing resource use, and developing sustainable solutions for global food production challenges.



The Dutch ICT sector is a hotbed of innovation, with research spanning artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and data science. Researchers collaborate with leading tech companies and academic institutions to develop groundbreaking technologies and applications, driving digital innovation and shaping the future of computing.


Life Sciences & Health

The Netherlands is home to world-class research institutions and healthcare facilities, making it a hub for life sciences research. Researchers in this sector explore areas such as biotechnology, genomics, and personalized medicine, driving advancements that improve healthcare outcomes and quality of life globally.



As a global logistics hub, the Netherlands offers ample opportunities for research in supply chain management, transportation, and logistics optimization. Researchers here tackle challenges related to sustainability, efficiency, and resilience in logistics networks, contributing to innovations that enhance global trade and commerce.


Water & Maritime

With a long history of water management innovation, the Netherlands excels in water-related research and maritime technology. Researchers in this sector address challenges such as flood resilience, coastal protection, and sustainable maritime transportation, contributing to solutions that mitigate the impacts of climate change and ensure water security worldwide.

Get to know the Netherlands

Considering a move to the Netherlands for your career? Visit FactCards, our comprehensive guide for international academics.

FactCards provides essential information about the Netherlands through themed cards covering:

  • Arriving
  • Studying
  • Living
  • Working
  • Conducting Research

Each theme includes subtopics like visas, work permits, Dutch culture, and research universities, offering you a detailed overview of what to expect and how to prepare.

How to relocate to the Netherlands?

Prepare for your move with ease by utilising the Welcome to NL Relocation App, your go-to guide for relocating to the Netherlands. It covers all the necessary steps, from planning your move to settling in, ensuring a smooth transition.

Find your research job in the Netherlands

Looking for your next research opportunity? Explore the wide range of positions across top Dutch universities on AcademicTransfer. Find your PhD position, postdoc, or professor job now!