Two Postdoc positions in the field of industrial decarbonization

Two Postdoc positions in the field of industrial decarbonization

Published Deadline Location
12 Mar 24 Apr Delft

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Job description

We are looking for two highly analytical hands-on and proactive postdocs that will support and contribute to further develop the resaerch carried out in the group of Prof. Andrea Ramirez. The two positions are:

  • PD1: 1 Postdoc position (24 months) to work in the VICI project  "Unraveling the Impacts of Using Alternative Raw Materias in Industrial Clusters". The PD will work together with Prof Ramirez and a group of PhD students in the development of a process based model of a petro-chemical industrial cluster  and the assessment of impacts induced by changing the (fossil-based) feedstocks currently used in the cluster with alternative raw materials such as biomass and CO2. The modeling work will be conducted in ASPEN Plus.
  • PD2: 1 Postdoc position (18 months) will investigate methodological approaches for developing bottom-up learning curves of novel technologies to be used for the production of low carbon chemicals and materials. The PD will explore the use of learning learning curves in assessing the techno-economic potential of the techhnologies by means of selected case studies.


Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)


You have recently completed a PhD in the field of system analysis, systems engineering, process engineering or technology assessment. You have an academic background (Msc or bachelor) in chemical, mechanical or process engineering. You have excellent academic qualifications, strong analytical and communication skills. Capabitilites to work in an interdisciplinary group are essential for this position. For the position PD1, knowledge in concept process design and proven experience in using commercial process simulators, particularly ASPEN Plus is required. For both positions very good communication and writing skills in the English language are required.

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: PD1-24 months, PD2-18 months.

The TU Delft offers a customisable compensation package, a discount for health insurance and sport memberships, and a monthly work costs contribution. Flexible work schedules can be arranged. Coming to Delft Service organizes diverse events for new international employees and their accompanying partners, like Partner Career Workshops and Dutch Culture Workshops. Located on campus are the International Children’s Centre and an international primary school which are subject to availability as well as several bilingual schools in the nearby surrounding. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.


Technische Universiteit Delft

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is a multifaceted institution offering education and carrying out research in the technical sciences at an internationally recognised level. Education, research and design are strongly oriented towards applicability. TU Delft develops technologies for future generations, focusing on sustainability, safety and economic vitality. At TU Delft you will work in an environment where technical sciences and society converge. TU Delft comprises eight faculties, unique laboratories, research institutes and schools.


Faculty Technology, Policy and Management

The Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TPM) develops robust models and designs, to solve the complex challenges of today’s networked society. TPM combines insights from the engineering sciences with insights from the humanities and the social sciences.

The Department of Engineering Systems and Services (ESS) operates on the interface where complex systems meet engineering. Energy, mobility, and ICT systems and services are continuously converging. The Department therefore contributes to comprehensive engineering from a systems integration perspective.

ESS analyses, models, and shapes these complex systems, using cutting-edge tools such as Agent-Based Simulation and Modelling, ICT architecting, Choice Behaviour Modelling and cost-benefit analyses. Human behaviour, economics, laws and regulations, and the fact that systems recurrently impact behaviour are all taken into account. Within ESS, the section Energy and Industry focuses on exploring and designing solutions that support the transition towards low-carbon energy and industrial systems.  We develop methodolgies and tools that allow assessing the technical, economic, environmental and social performance of transition strategies or pathways.


  • Postdoc
  • Engineering
  • 38—40 hours per week
  • €3389—€4274 per month
  • Doctorate
  • ATTBM 20.021


Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)

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Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX, Delft

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