2 PhD Positions - NIDI-KNAW - The Hague

2 PhD Positions - NIDI-KNAW - The Hague

Published Deadline Location
22 Apr 13 May Den Haag

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Job description

The Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW) has a vacancy for two PhD researchers (1.0 fte each) “The impact of lifestyle factors on past trends in socio-economic inequalities in mortality”

Job description
Inequalities in mortality between socio-economic groups are a persistent challenge for society. The recent widening of socio-economic mortality inequalities in modern welfare states, despite major efforts to reduce them, has raised important questions regarding what is driving these past trends, what can be expected for the future, and to what extent policy measures can revert the trend. 
Answering these questions requires advanced knowledge on – particularly - the changing contribution of lifestyle factors, e.g. smoking, obesity and excessive alcohol consumption, to past trends in socio-economic mortality inequalities. The two PhD researchers will obtain this knowledge for obesity and excessive alcohol consumption, respectively. For this purpose, they will analyze prevalence and mortality data by educational level for selected European countries, using a dynamic and cross-national perspective. 
They will do so as part of the VICI research project by Fanny Janssen on “Forecasting future socio-economic inequalities in longevity: the impact of lifestyle ‘epidemics’”, which was recently funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). 
The PhD researchers are expected to write – in English - 4 to 5 first-authored international academic journal articles, each, which together will make up the main part of their individually written PhD thesis. In addition, the PhDs are expected to contribute to the further dissemination of their research findings within and beyond academia, by, among others, presenting at (inter)national conferences, writing one professional article each, and by regularly updating the project website.
The PhD students will be supervised by Prof. dr. Fanny Janssen (NIDI), Prof. dr. Anton Kunst (Dept of Public Health, University of Amsterdam) (second promotor), and a postdoctoral researcher, and will collaborate with international experts. 


Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)


Candidates should have:

  • a (Research) Master’s degree in a relevant field of study (e.g. population studies, demography, epidemiology, health sciences);
  • excellent study results;
  • knowledge of literature relevant to the research topic;
  • previous experience with applying quantitative epidemiological and/or demographic research methods;
  • good writing skills and fluency in English; preferably experience in academic writing;
  • strong conceptual thinking; 
  • a strong motivation, adequate communication skills, a proactive attitude and a capacity of working independently.

Conditions of employment

The initial appointment will be for a period of one year. After a positive evaluation, the appointment will be extended for another three years. A psychological assessment may be part of the selection procedure. The gross monthly salary will be between € 2,325 (year 1) and € 2,972 (year 4). Benefits include pension contribution, annual holiday premium of 8% and an end-of-year premium of 8.3%. Non-Dutch nationals may be eligible for a substantial tax break (30% ruling). 
Expected starting date of the PhD research is October 1, 2020.The PhD student is expected to apply for and take part in the International Max Planck Research School for Population, Health and Data Science (IMPRS-PHDS).


Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)

The Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW) is an Academy research institute. NIDI conducts research on population issues and informs policymakers and society about the results of demographic research. By concentrating researchers from different disciplines in a single institute, NIDI has become one of the most important demographic research centres in Europe.


  • PhD
  • Health; Behaviour and society; Food
  • max. 38 hours per week
  • €2325—€2972 per month
  • University graduate
  • AT2020-046


Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)

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Lange Houtstraat 19, 2511 CV, Den Haag

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