G-VERSITY – Achieving Gender Diversity (15 positions)

G-VERSITY – Achieving Gender Diversity (15 positions)

Published Deadline Location
14 Oct 15 Nov Nijmegen

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Job description

The European Training Network (ETN) G-VERSITY – Achieving Gender Diversity is an interdisciplinary and intersectoral doctoral training network for early stage researchers. G-VERSITY aims at fostering new kinds of expertise and jobs needed in Europe to help employers overcome the underrepresentation of women, men, and sexual and gender minority Groups (SGMs). The network constitutes a prototype for innovative doctoral training on gender diversity research. G-VERSITY joins 8 leading European research groups from psychology, education, management, business administration, media and communication studies with 7 non-academic partners, including an organization running the leading certification for workplace gender equality, a city administration, a public broadcasting service, a media training centre, and 3 non-profit organisations.
For more information, please visit https://gversity-2020.eu/job-positions.html

Project 1: Parent-child conversations about subject domains and occupations (UK)
Supervisor: Dr. Harriet Tennebaum, University of Surrey/UK

Project 2: Gendered pathways to professional life (Finland)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Katariina Salmela-Aro, University of Helsinki/Finland

Project 3: Acting out gender identity — Self-portrayal in digital media (Germany)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Carola Richter, Freie Universität Berlin/Germany

Project 4: Sexist organizational climate and gender-based harassment. Obstacles to careers in male-dominated fields (Switzerland)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sabine Sczesny, University of Bern/Switzerland

Project 5: Challenging manhood: When men strive for male-atypical professions (Czech Republic)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sylvie Graf, Institute of Psychology of the Czech Academy of Sciences / The Czech Republic

Project 6: Networking for gender equality and diversity (the Netherlands)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Yvonne Benschop, Radboud University/Netherlands

Project 7: Sexual and gender minorities on their pathways to leadership (UK)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Hegarty, The Open University/UK

Project 8: What's on TV? The role of gender and social status in media representation (Germany)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Margreth Lünenborg, Freie Universität Berlin/Germany

Project 9: Being well prepared — A gender-related career setback training (Finland)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Katariina Salmela-Aro, University of Helsinki/Finland

Project 10: Language and images — Social inclusion through subtle cues in organisational communication (Italy)      
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Carnaghi, University of Trieste/Italy

Project 11: Making a good case for gender diversity — Pathbreaking organisational communication (Switzerland)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sabine Sczesny, University of Bern/Switzerland

Project 12: Implementing gender diversity interventions effectively (Sweden)
Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Dr. Marie Gustafsson Sendén, University of Stockholm, Sweden


Project 13: Benchmarking current diversity management strategies (Switzerland)
Aniela Unguresan, MBA, EDEGE Strategy AG, Zurich/Switzerland (place of work)
Ass. Prof. Dr. Marie Gustafsson Sendén, University of Stockholm, Sweden

Project 14: Bias circumvention — A scientific evaluation of gender diversity training (The Netherlands)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Yvonne Benschop, Radboud University/Netherlands

Project 15: Train the sponsor — Implementation of a new mentoring training (Switzerland)
Aniela Unguresan, MBA, EDEGE Strategy AG, Zurich/Switzerland (place of work)
Dr. Harriet Tennebaum, University of Surrey/UK


Radboud University


We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with

  • a strong interest and relevant past experience in research on gender diversity.
  • a very good university master’s degree in either:
    • management and organization studies
    • gender and diversity studies
    • sociology or in a related discipline
    • (organizational) psychology or in a related discipline
    • communication studies
    • journalism or in a related discipline of social sciences.
  • relevant empirical research experiences (e.g., survey techniques, experimental methods, scientific writing skills, etc.).
  • very good methodological skills (e.g., design of experiments, statistical data analysis).
  • full proficiency in English.
  • good communication skills.
  • ability to work independently and to collaborate in teams.
  • organizational talent and project management skills.
  • passion for applied sciences.

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: 4 years.

The European Training Network (ETN) G-VERSITY – Achieving Gender Diversity offers good working conditions.


The European Training Network (ETN)



  • PhD scholarship; PhD; Research, development, innovation; Education; Postdoc
  • Natural sciences; Health; Behaviour and society; Language and culture; Economics
  • max. 40 hours per week
  • University graduate



Houtlaan 4, 6525 XZ, Nijmegen

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