PDEng position: Development of a friction calibration setup for the Dutch railways

PDEng position: Development of a friction calibration setup for the Dutch railways

Published Deadline Location
13 Dec 12 Apr Enschede

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Job description

At the start of your career, would you like to immediately focus into complex issues and work on improving the railways? What about diving into the content and develop yourself to the maximum? Then take part in the two-year PDEng programme of ProRail and the University of Twente. You will work on an innovation project in the railway sector to bring new developments that make the railway suitable for more transport of passengers and goods. In addition, you will participate in a training programme that strengthens your knowledge and helps you to develop in certain specific aspects of the innovation project.

Project description
Measuring and controlling friction in the wheel-rail contact (adhesion) in the track is decisive for the punctuality of trains, maintenance costs but also for safety. The adhesion determination project aims to develop a train tribometer system that records and processes real-time friction measurements in the rail infrastructure. One of the components in this project is the calibration of the friction registration in the rolling stock. In collaboration with a PDEng in the field of friction measurement and a team of specialists from ProRail, University of Twente and TU Delft, you will investigate the tribological and railway engineering aspects of friction measurements in the wheel-rail contact and you will design a prototype of a system with which the recording equipment in trains can be set up.


University of Twente (UT)


  • A completed academic master in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering or Electrical Engineering.
  • An enterprising and innovative mentality to realise new developments.
  • Good communication skills to enable collaboration with people with different backgrounds and knowledge areas.
  • Because of safety around the railways it is a strict requirement that the candidate is willing to learn Dutch up to a sufficiently high level.

Conditions of employment

  • A full-time position for 24 months
  • remuneration in accordance with technical trainee ProRail
  • Holiday allowance of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% of your gross annual salary
  • Participation in the ABP pension fund
  • A challenging working environment, in which there is room for creativity and innovative solutions
  • Collaboration with senior specialists from ProRail, UT and TU Delft
  • A laptop and company phone so you can work flexibly
  • The opportunity to improve the rail system based on academic knowledge and practical experience.
After successfully completion of this program, you will be entitled to the title of PDEng and you will be registered as a Technical Designer in the Dutch register of the KIVI (the Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers).


  • Research, development, innovation
  • Engineering
  • max. 40 hours per week
  • max. €2002 per month
  • University graduate
  • 324


University of Twente (UT)

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Drienerlolaan 5, 7522NB, Enschede

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