Master-level intern Sustainability Erasmus University

Master-level intern Sustainability Erasmus University

Published Deadline Location
1 Mar 16 Mar Rotterdam

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The mission of the Erasmus University Rotterdam is to create positive societal impact as expressed in Strategy 2024. One of the seven pillars of the EUR strategy is Taking Responsibility for Sustainability. We aim to mainstream sustainability in education, research, partnerships, and operations, while using the SDGs as our guidance. Within the university there is a strongly felt need to strengthen the sustainability community, to have access to up-to-date information on sustainability at EUR, to understand our profile and ambitions, and to join initiatives.


The EUR sustainability agenda has many challenges. One of these is the need to turn our policy into practice with the active participation of the EUR employee and student community. Activities to realize this are embedded in our communication and engagement strategy, such as strengthening the Sustainability Liaison Network, intensifying our use of social media channels, participatory policy development and a Sustainability Newsletter which informs and involves the EUR community in the sustainability program.

Job description

You will support EUR's sustainability program manager with the implementation of the sustainability agenda organization-wide, in collaboration with the university’s schools and departments. More specifically:

  • Support the preparation, implementation, and follow-up of the Sustainability Liaison Network meetings
  • Support the organization of workshops and events around sustainability topics
  • Contribute to the Sustainability Monitoring and Reporting
  • Technically support digital and live meetings and events (management of platforms like Zoom and Teams, Mentimeter/Kahoot and other tools)
  • Develop content for our communication channels on social media, the Sustainability Newsletter, MyEUR and etc.

You work together with:

  • EUR's sustainability program manager (internship supervisor)
  • The communication advisors of the Strategy Office


Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)


We expect

That you enjoy working in a team and have knowledge of or interest in Sustainability. You like (technically) organizing meetings and events and have a talent for writing clear and engaging texts. You are fluent in English (speaking, writing) and at least understand spoken and written Dutch. You are enrolled as student in a Dutch University. Inside knowledge of the EUR is appreciated.

Conditions of employment

We offer

  • Starting date last week of March 2022, for four to six months, three or four days/week
  • Intern level compensation of € 450 gross/month, based on 5 days a week (1FTE)
  • Daily guidance by the Program Manager Sustainability
  • You become part of the Strategy Office Team


Erasmus University Rotterdam

Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) is an internationally oriented university with a strong social orientation in its education and research. Our scientists and students work in close collaboration with internal and external parties to solve global, social challenges, inspired by the always dynamic and cosmopolitan Rotterdam. Our mission is therefore "Creating positive societal impact". Our academic education is intensive, active and application-oriented. Our research increasingly takes place in multidisciplinary teams, which are strongly intertwined with international networks. With our research impact and thanks to the high quality of education, EUR can compete with the top European universities. The Erasmian values ​​function as our internal compass and make Erasmus University recognizable to the outside world: engaged with society, world citizen, connecting, entrepreneurial and open-minded.


  • Education; Support staff (clerical, administrative, facility)
  • University graduate
  • 20220301-SO


Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)

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Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062PA, Rotterdam

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