PhD in Deep Programmability for Real-Time End-to-End 6G Networks

PhD in Deep Programmability for Real-Time End-to-End 6G Networks

Published Deadline Location
9 Mar 9 Apr Amsterdam

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Job description

Software-defined and programmable networking is a key enabling technology to support 5G and beyond networks in achieving their promises of increased scalability and flexibility at a lower cost.
Deep network programmability, that is the ability to program the network fabric both vertically (control and data plane) and horizontally (end to end), is expected to characterize the new generation of mobile networks (6G), currently under development, towards supporting extreme performance requirements and service-specific operations. To this end, enriching next-generation mobile networks with data plane programming capabilities can bring significant benefits with regards to network slicing and multi-tenancy, dynamic traffic engineering, offloading network functions to the data plane, etc.

The objective of the PhD project is to investigate data plane programmability in the context of the new generation of mobile networks, addressed within the scope of the EU HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022 project DESIRE6G (DEep programmability and Secure distributed Intelligence for Real-time End-to-end 6G networks). The goal of DESIRE6G is to design and develop a zero-touch control, management & orchestration platform, with native integration of AI, to support eXtreme URLLC application requirements over a performant, measurable and programable data plane. Specifically, the candidate will investigate DESIRE6G related problems in a multi-operator environment, including but not restricted to the specification and implementation of a common abstraction layer for heterogenous programmable data planes, data plane multitenancy and programmable traffic management.

You will be embedded in the MNS group. The group focuses its researches on the fundamental architectural problems that arise from the interconnection of systems and of data flows. We look at the emerging architectures that can support the operations of the future Internet. More information can be found here.

What are you going to do?

Tasks and responsibilities:
  • focus on the development and evaluation of and end-to-end programmable data plane through the definition and implementation of a generic hardware abstraction layer, supporting heterogeneous systems e.g., GPUs, TPUs, FPGAs, SOCs;
  • develop appropriate proof of concept(s) to benchmark the performance or validate the applicability of proposed approaches;
  • implement your solution and experiment with it on the programmable network infrastructure operated by the DESIRE6G consortium;
  • become active in the research community and collaborate with other institutes and/or companies that are part of the project;
  • publish and present work regularly at international conferences, workshops, and journals;
  • assist in teaching activities (labs) and in supervising bachelor and master students.


University of Amsterdam (UvA)


Your experience and profile:
  • Master's degree or equivalent program (completed or near completion: see below) in a relevant discipline, such as computer science, electrical and computer engineering, security and network engineering etc.;
  • excellent programming skills (python, C/C++);
  • prior experience in programmable networking technologies and DSLs such as eBPF and P4 is a plus;
  • knowledge in mobile network architectures and protocols is a plus;
  • the willingness to be part of an international research team;
  • fluency in oral and written English and good presentation skills;
  • commitment to maintaining an inclusive, collaborative, diverse, supportive work environment.

Conditions of employment

A temporary contract for 38 hours per week for the duration of 4 years (the initial contract will be for a period of 18 months and after satisfactory evaluation it will be extended for a total duration of 4 years). The preferred starting date is as soon as possible. This should lead to a dissertation (PhD thesis). We will draft an educational plan that includes attendance of courses and (international) meetings. We also expect you to assist in teaching undergraduates and master students.

The gross monthly salary, based on 38 hours per week and dependent on relevant experience, ranges between € 2,541 in the first year to € 3,247 in the last year (scale P). UvA additionally offers an extensive package of secondary benefits, including 8% holiday allowance and a year-end bonus of 8.3%. The UFO profile PhD Candidate is applicable. A favourable tax agreement, the '30% ruling', may apply to non-Dutch applicants. The Collective Labour Agreement of Universities of the Netherlands is applicable.

Besides the salary and a vibrant and challenging environment at Science Park we offer you multiple fringe benefits:
  • 232 holiday hours per year (based on fulltime) and extra holidays between Christmas and 1 January;
  • Multiple courses to follow from our Teaching and Learning Centre;
  • A complete educational program for PhD students;
  • Multiple courses on topics such as leadership for academic staff;
  • Multiple courses on topics such as time management, handling stress and an online learning platform with 100+ different courses;
  • 7 weeks birth leave (partner leave) with 100% salary;
  • Partly paid parental leave;
  • The possibility to set up a workplace at home;
  • A pension at ABP for which UvA pays two third part of the contribution;
  • The possibility to follow courses to learn Dutch;
  • Help with housing for a studio or small apartment when you're moving from abroad.
Are you curious to read more about our extensive package of secondary employment benefits, take a look here.


Faculty of Science

The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is the Netherlands' largest university, offering the widest range of academic programmes. At the UvA, 42,000 students, 6,000 staff members and 3,000 PhD candidates study and work in a diverse range of fields, connected by a culture of curiosity.

The Faculty of Science (FNWI) has a student body of around 8,000, as well as 1,800 members of staff working in education, research or support services. Researchers and students at the Faculty of Science are fascinated by every aspect of how the world works, be it elementary particles, the birth of the universe or the functioning of the brain.

The mission of the Informatics Institute (IvI) is to perform curiosity-driven and use-inspired fundamental research in Computer Science. The main research themes are Artificial Intelligence, Computational Science and Systems and Network Engineering. Our research involves complex information systems at large, with a focus on collaborative, data driven, computational and intelligent systems, all with a strong interactive component.

The MultiScale Networked Systems (MNS) group is part of the Informatics Institute at the University of Amsterdam. The group focusses its research on multiscale systems e.g. cloud systems or clusters that define themselves by their dynamic size and scale, and on the network connecting them. The MNS group explores the emerging architectures that can support emerging applications across the future internet.

Want to know more about our organisation? Read more about working at the University of Amsterdam.


  • PhD
  • Natural sciences
  • max. 38 hours per week
  • max. €2541 per month
  • University graduate
  • 11303


University of Amsterdam (UvA)

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Science Park 904, 1098XH, Amsterdam

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