HealthyAI is part of the 10-year
LTP ROBUST program “Trustworthy AI-based Systems for Sustainable Growth” consortium, which unites 17 knowledge institutions, 19 participating industry sponsors and 15 civil-social organizations from across the Netherlands. You will gain valuable experience working with an industry partner. You can tap into a wealth of networking, career development, and training opportunities with
ICAI, the Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence. The two HealthyAI PhDs will work within the lab of prof Huisman at
DIAG, an internationally recognized medical imaging AI lab. You will have access to DIAGs’ enormous data and computing facilities and collaborate with over 50 Ph.D. students on state-of-the-art deep learning technology. The Huisman lab focuses on abdominal MRI and ultrasound in prostate and pancreatic cancer diagnosis and intervention.
HealthyAI Lab aims to develop trustworthy, robust AI with a primary application for prostate cancer diagnosis with MRI. Prostate cancer affects up to 1 in 9 men. Recent developments in prostate MRI make non-invasive detection feasible. This avoids biopsies and allows for earlier detection at a more curable stage. However, the rapidly increasing workload and high level of expertise are a huge concern. AI can exploit MRI to its full potential to maximize the impact on quality of care, reduce healthcare costs, and reallocate time from routine decision-making to human-centric care. Healthy-AI combines the clinical knowledge institutes Radboudumc, UMCG and the technical expertise in the University of Twente with the practical knowledge of industrial partner Siemens Healthineers. Its mission is to explore novel AI technology and ethical challenges to achieve trustworthy AI.
RadboudumcRadboud university medical center is a university medical center for patient care, scientific research, and education in Nijmegen. Radboud university medical center strives to be at the forefront of shaping the healthcare of the future. We do this in a person-centered and innovative way, and in close collaboration with our network. We want to have a significant impact on health and healthcare. We want to improve with each passing day, continuously working towards better healthcare, research, and education. And gaining a better understanding of how diseases arise and how we can prevent, treat, and cure them, day in and day out. This way, every patient always receives the best healthcare, now and in the future. Because that is why we do what we do.
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