PhD Candidate in Developmental Neurobiology

PhD Candidate in Developmental Neurobiology

Published Deadline Location
25 Aug 30 Sep Nijmegen

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Job description

The focus of our lab is to improve our understanding of biological mechanisms underpinning psychiatric and cognitive aspects in rare genetic syndromes, such as the Witteveen-Kolk syndrome, to be able to design tailored intervention strategies targeted at the severe behaviour and psychiatric problems that are frequently encountered. Using state-of-the-art functional assays such as iPSCs, brain organoids, assembloids and in utero-electroporation, we are investigating the role of neurodevelopmental disorder-causing genes in corticogenesis.

As a PhD candidate you will work on the assessment of gene expression changes in specific cell populations and cell biological characterisation and analyses of the organoids, including 2D cryosection immunofluorescence  microscopy, deconvolution and morphometrics. You will further have the opportunity to use a broad spectrum of methods and techniques including mouse genetics, functional and behavioural assays, immunohistochemistry, fluorescence microscopy (wide-field, confocal and light sheet), cell and molecular biology and biochemistry. Lastly, you will be expected to supervise Master's students. Your teaching load may be up to 10% of your working time.


Radboud University


  • You hold a Master's degree, or are about to obtain one, in Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Molecular Life Sciences or a related discipline, and are interested in a scientific career.
  • You are a highly motivated, enthusiastic, critical, creative and team-oriented individual with a particular interest in developmental neurobiology, who possesses a positive can-do attitude.
  • We are a dynamic international lab, so a good command of English is essential.
  • You are able to work in a team as well as independently.
  • Previous experience with culturing and/or mouse surgeries would be a plus but is not required. 

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: You will be employed for an initial period of 18 months, after which your performance will be evaluated. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended by 2.5 years (4 year contract).

  • It concerns an employment for 1.0 FTE.
  • The gross starting salary amounts to €2,770 per month based on a 38-hour working week, and will increase to €3,539 in the fourth year (salary scale P).
  • You will receive 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus.
  • You will be employed for an initial period of 18 months, after which your performance will be evaluated. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended by 2.5 years (4 year contract).
  • You will be able to use our Dual Career and Family Care Services. Our Dual Career and Family Care Officer can assist you with family-related support, help your partner or spouse prepare for the local labour market, provide customized support in their search for employment and help your family settle in Nijmegen.
  • Working for us means getting extra days off. In case of full-time employment, you can choose between 30 or 41 days of annual leave instead of the legally allotted 20.
Work and science require good employment practices. This is reflected in Radboud University's primary and secondary employment conditions. You can make arrangements for the best possible work-life balance with flexible working hours, various leave arrangements and working from home. You are also able to compose part of your employment conditions yourself, for example, exchange income for extra leave days and receive a reimbursement for your sports subscription. And of course, we offer a good pension plan. You are given plenty of room and responsibility to develop your talents and realise your ambitions. Therefore, we provide various training and development schemes.


The Kolk lab (Developmental Neurobiology) is part of the Donders Centre for Neuroscience (DCN), which is one of the six research institutes of the Faculty of Science at Radboud University (Nijmegen, Netherlands). The main aim of DCN is to understand the complex neural networks underlying perceptual, motor and cognitive brain functions. We study these networks by employing experimental as well as computational approaches.

DCN is part of the world-renowned Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, a world-class interfaculty neuroscience institute with a lively and interactive culture housing more than 800 researchers devoted to understanding the mechanistic underpinnings of the human mind. Research at the Donders Institute is focused around four themes:
  1.  Language and Communication
  2.  Perception, Action, Decision Making
  3. Development and Lifelong Plasticity
  4. Natural Computing and Neurotechnology

Excellent, state-of-the-art research facilities are available for the broad range of neuroscience research that is being conducted at the Donders Institute. The Donders Institute has been assessed by an international evaluation committee as 'excellent' and recognised as a 'very stimulating environment for top researchers, as well as for young talent'. The Donders Institute fosters a collaborative, multidisciplinary, supportive research environment with a diverse international staff. English is the lingua franca at the Institute.

Radboud University

We are keen to meet critical thinkers who want to look closer at what really matters. People who, from their expertise, wish to contribute to a healthy, free world with equal opportunities for all. This ambition unites more than 24,000 students and 5,600 employees at Radboud University and requires even more talent, collaboration and lifelong learning. You have a part to play!


  • PhD; Research, development, innovation
  • Natural sciences
  • max. 40 hours per week
  • €2770—€3539 per month
  • University graduate
  • 1212386



Houtlaan 4, 6525 XZ, Nijmegen

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