Research Technician, Transcription Dynamics in Single Cells

Research Technician, Transcription Dynamics in Single Cells

Published Deadline Location
19 Sep 17 Nov Amsterdam

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Job description

We are looking for a motivated technician to join Dr Tineke Lenstra’s team. The main interest of the lab is to understand the regulatory mechanisms and dynamics of eukaryotic transcription. To study this, we use and develop cutting-edge single-molecule microscopy techniques to directly observe the stochastic behavior of regulatory factors and the process of transcription, as they dynamically occur inside living cells. We combine these microscopy methods with gene-specific and conditional perturbations, (single-cell) genomic experiments, single-molecule in vitro analyses, and computational approaches, using both budding yeast and mammalian cells as model systems. With these powerful tools, the projects in the lab focus on understanding how transcription factors, cofactors, promoter and enhancer sequences and chromatin regulates transcription in a dynamic manner. By studying transcription dynamics in single cells, we aim to gain mechanistic insight into eukaryotic gene expression regulation in both health and disease.

You will work closely with a postdoc/PhD student to support a wide range of research activities in the laboratory, including live-cell and fixed-cell microscopy, molecular biology, DNA cloning experiments, and image analysis. You will support the development mammalian cell line models creating reporter constructs and integrating these into cell lines with CRISPR technology. You will also perform imaging experiments and apply existing (python-based) pipelines for image analysis to extract the transcriptional fluctuations in single cells.


The Netherlands Cancer Institute


We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic technician with a strong background in molecular biology. Good communication skills and the ability to work in a team are essential. Applicants should have a biological science degree or similar qualification (HBO level). Previous experience within transcription regulation, microscopy, cell culture would be advantageous.

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: at least 2 years.

We offer a stimulating and interactive research environment, free use of all state-of-the-art facilities, a competitive salary. The gross salary per month can range from € 2.682,- to € 4118,- (salary scale 45-50 according to the Collective Labour Agreement General Hospitals based on proven qualifications). In addition, you will receive 8,33% holiday pay and end-of-year bonus (8,33%). The appointment is for a period of at least two years, with the possibility of extension thereafter.


Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI)

Located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) is an internationally renowned institute dedicated to fundamental, translational and clinical cancer research, and the only comprehensive cancer center in The Netherlands. It is a dynamic institute accommodating over 50 research groups and many excellent facilities, including for microscopy, flow cytometry, protein expression and purification, genomics, proteomics and many more. The laboratory is part of the division of Gene Regulation.


  • Technical and laboratory; Research, development, innovation
  • Health; Engineering
  • max. 36 hours per week
  • €2682—€4118 per month
  • Higher professional education
  • PA IH 20230919


The Netherlands Cancer Institute

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Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX, Amsterdam

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