Full Professor and Chair of the Animal Breeding and Genomics group

Full Professor and Chair of the Animal Breeding and Genomics group

Published Deadline Location
8 Nov 20 Dec Wageningen

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Job description

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is recruiting a full professor to lead the chair group of Animal Breeding and Genomics (ABG). As chair you are responsible for the research, education, and operational management, including finances and HR.

As one of the internationally largest academic groups in the field of animal breeding and genomics, the mission of the chair group ABG is to perform excellent research and provide high-quality education to contribute to the transition towards sustainable animal production systems. In this transition the group focuses on healthy and resilient animal populations, maintaining biodiversity and helping to mitigate the changing climate, by integrating two closely related disciplinary domains: genomics and quantitative genetics. Research and teaching are closely intertwined, the group has a strong interest in further developing education at the bachelor, master and (post) doctoral level, in a national and international context.


Wageningen University & Research


  • You are a scholar with a PhD degree and an internationally proven scientific track record in the field of quantitative genetics, genomics, or a related discipline;
  • You have the passion and skills to turn long term ideas into concrete plans; especially to lead the group in shaping the transition of sustainable animal production systems;
  • You have proven experience and success in attracting funding in a national and international context. You especially have affinity and experience with projects carried out in collaboration with industry partners;
  • You have experience in developing and maintaining a broad (inter)national network with different partners (e.g. academic institutes, societal organizations, policymakers, private sector);
  • You have a passion for, and ample experience in, BSC, MSc and PhD education. You have the skills and concrete ideas to shape education in an international context;
  • You have experience in leading professionals in a large team, from the supervision of students and PhD candidates to senior staff. You have a motivating, enabling and inclusive leadership style.

Conditions of employment

You will be working for an inspiring international organization with a large number of interdisciplinary projects all over the world. The scientific quality of Wageningen University is affirmed by the prominent position we occupy in international rankings and citation indices.

We offer you a position as Full Professor of the Chair Animal Breeding and Genomics. Besides a competitive salary (maximum gross salary for starting chair holders is € 9.680,- per month), we offer a number of additional benefits, such as an end-of-year extra month’s salary, a holiday allowance and a pension plan with the Dutch pension fund for government and education. International candidates moving to the Netherlands may benefit from a special tax relief, by which 30% of their salary is exempt from tax for 5 years. Have a look on this page. Working hours can be discussed to optimize the work-life balance (32-38 hours per week)

Coming from abroad
We are a globally leading university in the life sciences. The themes we deal with are relevant to everyone around the world and Wageningen University, therefore, has a large international community and a lot to offer to international employees.

The university’s highly qualified team of advisors on Dutch immigration procedures will help you with the visa application procedures for yourself and, if applicable, for your family. A specialized agency will assist your partner during the job search. Furthermore, we can assist you in finding schools for your kids and assist you with finding housing in the region or elsewhere in the Netherlands. The Wageningen University & Research's (WUR) International Community page contains practical information about what we do to support international employees and students coming to Wageningen.


Wageningen University & Research

The chair group Animal Breeding and Genomics (ABG)

The chair group ABG consist of 63 members, of which 16 scientific staff members, 40 PhD candidates and seven research assistants. Each year around 30 students complete a Master thesis within the group. The group works closely together with the Animal Breeding and Genomics department of the contract research organization Wageningen Livestock Research. Although still two separate legal entities, the joint team operates and is managed as a single unit of around 110 fte and shares office at Wageningen campus. The chair will represent the university part within the joint Animal Breeding and Genomics group.

The chair group ABG is part of the graduate school Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences (WIAS). ABG is one of the 11 chair groups of the department of Animal Sciences. Collaborations within and outside the department are based on complimentary expertise either on specific traits or disciplines. Examples are collaborations with Quantitative Veterinary Epidemiology (QVE) and Marine Animal Ecology (MAE), but also with Host Microbe Interactions (HMI), Animal Nutrition (ANU), Animal Production Systems (APS), Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Wildlife Ecology and Conservation (WEC). Moreover, the ABG group collaborates with Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW).

More information on the group can be found here

Wageningen University & Research
The mission of Wageningen University and Research is “To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life”. Under the banner Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen University and the specialized research institutes of the Wageningen Research Foundation have joined forces in contributing to finding solutions to important questions in the domain of healthy food and living environment.

With its roughly 30 branches, 7,600 employees (6,700 fte) and 13,100 students and over 150,000 participants to WUR’s Life Long Learning, Wageningen University & Research is one of the leading organisations in its domain. The unique Wageningen approach lies in its integrated approach to issues and the collaboration between different disciplines.

Read more on why your future colleagues enjoy working at WUR and watch this video to get an idea of our green campus!

We will recruit for the vacancy ourselves, so no employment agencies please. However, sharing in your network is appreciated.


  • Lecturer; Assistant professor; Associate professor; Professor
  • Agriculture
  • max. 38 hours per week
  • Doctorate
  • P1362691-1


Wageningen University & Research

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Droevendaalsesteeg, 6708 PB, Wageningen

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