Lab technician - Tumor Biology and Immunology

Lab technician - Tumor Biology and Immunology

Published Deadline Location
17 Jan 29 Feb Amsterdam

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The Akkari lab is seeking a talented and enthusiastic laboratory technician to support team members in investigating to the interaction between the tumor microenvironment and therapy resistance using mouse models of cancer.

Job description

Research assistant/technician position available starting in April 2024 in the group of Leila Akkari, Division of Tumor Biology and Immunology at the NKI (Amsterdam, NL) The appointment is for a minimum of 2 years.

Leila Akkari´s research group studies the microenvironment-mediated mechanisms of tumor maintenance and therapeutic resistance to conventional therapy in brain malignancies. In particular, we investigate the acquired resistance mechanisms resulting from alterations in the activation and recruitment of myeloid cells and their mediators in response to standard of care treatment in brain tumors, including radiotherapy, surgery and immunotherapy. Our research aims to identify the vulnerabilities in the cancer cell/ stromal compartment heterotypic communication in solid tumors that may be targeted therapeutically.

Our research interests involve the use of in vitro and in vivo systems for the study of brain cancer, including sophisticated imaging, as well as transgenic, cell-tracing mouse models and patients sample analyses.

The ultimate goal of our projects is to improve the understanding of the complexity of the tumor microenvironment to harness its potential, using the brain as an experimental settings of cancer inflammation.



The Netherlands Cancer Institute


We are looking for a talented and enthusiastic laboratory technician who is interested in a dynamic and ambitious environment at a top research institution. Her/his role will be to assist PhD students and post docs in their in vivo and in vitro work, while supporting the group organization and
The successful candidate must have, or be expecting, a technician training (type HLO) and be ale to work with animals (Article 9 or FELASA).
She/he will be able to effectively organize their time and demonstrable a pro-active personality and high ability to work in a group. Fluency in English and good communication skills are expected. Experience in immunological research areas, including flow cytometry and cell culture is a plus.

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: at least 2 years.

State-of-the-art facilities: The research groups at the NKI are supported by state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, most with dedicated support staff. The Institute has a large mouse facility with special units for transgenesis, intervention studies, pathology and functional imaging, a genomics facility, a functional screening facility for RNAi and small-molecule libraries, excellent facilities for microscopy, flowcytometry, protein expression and purification, and many more.

Inspiring international atmosphere: Approximately 700 people work in the research laboratory and many of the clinicians are involved in research. Work discussions, lectures and seminars are in English and a large number of non-Dutch post-docs, students and staff members contribute to the stimulating and international atmosphere of the Institute.

You will join an international research team in a stimulating and interactive research environment. You will be employed for a period of at least 2 years. The gross salary for a fulltime appointment will range depending on previous experience. Salary level: Dutch Collective Labour Agreement for Hospitals.

In addition, you will receive a fixed end-of-year bonus in December (8,33%) and in May you will receive 8,33% holiday pay. For more information in regard to the secondary conditions please visit our website.


The Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) is an independent research institute located in the lively city of Amsterdam. The Institute covers all major areas of molecular and cellular cancer biology, with special emphasis on mouse tumor models, immunology, functional screens, cancer cell biology and translational research. The Netherlands Cancer Institute and the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital form an integrated cancer center, combining a research laboratory and a hospital under one roof in a single, independent organization. All hospital departments have an extensive research program, often in close collaboration with the research laboratory. This research is focused on improving cancer treatment through imaging and molecular diagnostics, new medicine, immunotherapy, improved operating techniques, more effective radiotherapy, and combinations of these, epidemiology and psychosocial research.


The Akkari lab is seeking a talented and enthusiastic laboratory technician to support team members in investigating to the interaction between the tumor microenvironment and therapy resistance using mouse models of cancer


  • Technical and laboratory; Research, development, innovation
  • Health; Engineering; Natural sciences
  • max. 36 hours per week
  • PA NKI 20240117


The Netherlands Cancer Institute

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Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX, Amsterdam

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