Technician Nanoelectronics Group

Technician Nanoelectronics Group

Published Deadline Location
2 Feb 28 Feb Enschede

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Job description

Are you a highly motivated engineer with experience in electronics, (cryogenic) measurement setups and measurement software? We offer a technician position within the NanoElectronics (NE) Group at the University of Twente!
The NanoElectronics Group (NE) performs research and provides education in the field of nanoelectronics, comprising the study of electronic and magnetic properties of systems with critical dimensions in the nanoregime. In particular, we focus on brain-inspired and quantum electronics.
NE avails of its own labs with equipment to measure for electron transport experiments down to one hundredth degree above absolute zero. The group is also one of the main users of the MESA+ NanoLab with over 1200 m2 clean room. NE consists of approximately 25 people including professors, postdocs, (post)graduate students, technical and secretarial support.

The technicians at NE support research and education activities in various ways. Firstly, they maintain essential infrastructure such as measurement setups, electronics and software. Secondly, they support the design and realization of experimental
setups - including electronic circuits and vacuum technology. Thirdly, they support practical supervision and teaching activities.

In this position you will be a full member of the staff. Your responsibilities include:
  • Management of the labs in coordination with group members
  • Maintenance and development of measurement setups
  • Maintenance of lab tools
  • Support with PCB design
  • Development and maintenance of measurement software
  • Support of demonstrations in and visits to the lab
  • Support of procurement for the lab


University of Twente (UT)


  • Your education level is Higher Professional Education (HBO) or University (WO);
  • You have an electronics and/or physics background;
  • You are able to work independently and as a part of a team and maintain a dedicated and flexible mindset;
  • You are social and enjoy working in interaction with other people. You like helping other people. You have excellent communication skills;
  • You enjoy working in a dynamic environment, where focused work is alternated with responding to ad-hoc requests and questions;
  • You take pride and joy in maintaining an organized and representative lab environment;
  • As you will work in an international environment, you need to be proficient in English.

Conditions of employment

  • You will be appointed for a period of one year for 40 hours a week with the prospect of a permanent contract after positive evaluation;
  • The university offers a dynamic ecosystem with enthusiastic colleagues within a very stimulating scientific environment;
  • Your salary and associated conditions are in accordance with the collective labor agreement for Dutch universities (CAO-NU);
  • Gross salary between € 3.072,- and € 4.640,- per month depending on experience and qualifications;
  • Excellent benefits including a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, a year-end bonus of 8.3% and a solid pension scheme;
  • Free access to sports facilities on campus;
  • Between 29 and 41 leave days in case of full-time employment;
  • Excellent support and facilities for professional and personal development;
  • We are also a family-friendly institution that offers parental leave (both paid and unpaid) and career support for partners.


  • Technical and laboratory
  • max. 40 hours per week
  • €3072—€4640 per month
  • Higher professional education
  • 1619


University of Twente (UT)

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Drienerlolaan 5, 7522NB, Enschede

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