PhD on the Evolution of Seismicity throughout the Lifecycle of Rifting

PhD on the Evolution of Seismicity throughout the Lifecycle of Rifting

Published Deadline Location
5 Feb 15 Mar Utrecht

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Earth Sciences is looking for an enthusiastic and ambitious PhD for a project on the Evolution of seismicity throughout the lifecycle of rifting.

Job description

The department of Earth Sciences at Utrecht University is looking for an enthusiastic and ambitious PhD candidate to work on a project on the Evolution of seismicity throughout the lifecycle of rifting as part of the International Training Network “TALENTS”.

Your job
Seismicity is typically only generated in regions of the continental crust that deform via brittle-frictional processes, i.e., in the upper 15-30 km, depending on rock type. However, the thermal and strength profiles of the crust evolve during the lifecycle of a rift. In this project, the aim is to establish:
  1. the temperature and effective normal stress range under which simulated faults have the potential to nucleate tectonic and fluid-induced seismicity; and
  2. resulting fault strength variations.

This will be done by a series of hydrothermal ring shear experiments using the unique apparatus at the HPT laboratory. Rock samples will be selected and obtained from collaborators within TALENTS (EAR, Corinth) as well as others.

We expect this study to result in a deeper understanding of the transition from seismic to aseismic sliding with increasing temperature in a variety of rock types that have been sparsely studied. This will provide key data for assessing seismic hazard in rifts, for numerical models of the seismic cycle, and for the large-scale geodynamic models in TALENTS.
As part of the project, two secondments are planned:
  1. a two month stay at the University of Bern, Switzerland, supervised by Rebecca Bell, to characterise faults in the Corinth rift using seismic data; and
  2. a three month stay at KNMI, de Bilt, supervised by Elmer Ruigrok, to characterise the seismogenic zone in the Roer Valley rift system aimed at providing seismic, geodetic and geothermal constraints.

A personalised training programme will be set up, reflecting your training needs and career objectives. About 20% of your time will be dedicated to this training component, which includes training on the job in assisting in the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes of the Earth Sciences department at Utrecht University.


Utrecht University


We look forward to your application if you have multiple of the following qualifications:
  • a Master’s degree (MSc) in geophysics or geology, ultimately obtained at the start of the project;
  • quantitative skills including scripting (e.g. Python or Matlab) and data analyses;
  • good English oral and writing skills (C1 level);
  • good team working skills, especially in an (inter)national, interdisciplinary and diverse team;
  • excitement to (learn how to) think across disciplinary and institutional boundaries;
  • experience in working with high pressure/temperature experiments and/or a background in seismic interpretation are advantages.

Conditions of employment

We offer:
  • a position for one year, with an extension to a total of four years upon successful assessment;
  • a gross monthly salary between €2,770 and €3,539 in the case of full-time employment (salary scale P under the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO NU);
  • 8% holiday pay and 8.3% year-end bonus;
  • A pension scheme, partially paid parental leave and flexible terms of employment based on the CAO NU.

In addition to the terms of employment laid down in the CAO NU, Utrecht University has a number of schemes and facilities of its own for employees. This includes schemes facilitating professional development, leave schemes and schemes for sports and cultural activities, as well as discounts on software and other IT products. We also offer access to additional employee benefits through our Terms of Employment Options Model. In this way, we encourage our employees to continue to invest in their growth. For more information, please visit Working at Utrecht University.


Universiteit Utrecht

A better future for everyone. This ambition motivates our scientists in executing their leading research and inspiring teaching. At Utrecht University, the various disciplines collaborate intensively towards major strategic themes. Our focus is on Dynamics of Youth, Institutions for Open Societies, Life Sciences and Pathways to Sustainability. Shaping science, sharing tomorrow.

Utrecht University’s Faculty of Geosciences studies the Earth: from the Earth’s core to its surface, including man’s spatial and material utilisation of the Earth – always with a focus on sustainability and innovation. With 3,400 students (BSc and MSc) and 720 staff, the faculty is a strong and challenging organisation. The Faculty of Geosciences is organised in four Departments: Earth Sciences, Human Geography & Spatial Planning, Physical Geography, and Sustainable Development.

The home base of the position is at the Department of Earth Sciences at UU. The department conducts teaching and research across the full range of the solid Earth and environmental Earth sciences, with activities in almost all areas of geology, geochemistry, geophysics, biogeology and hydrogeology. The department hosts a highly international tenured staff of over 50 scientists and more than 110 PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. Our research programme spans four intertwined themes: Climate & Life, Earth interior, Earth materials, and Environmental Earth Sciences. We house or have access to a wide variety of world-class laboratories.

The department and its facilities are located at Utrecht Science Park. Utrecht is the fourth largest city in the Netherlands with a population of nearly 360,000 and forms a hub in the middle of the country. Its historical city centre and its modern central station can easily be reached from the Science Park by public transport or by a 15-minute bicycle ride. Utrecht boasts beautiful canals with extraordinary wharf cellars housing cafés and terraces by the water, as well as a broad variety of shops and boutiques.


  • PhD; Research, development, innovation; Education
  • Natural sciences
  • 36—40 hours per week
  • €2770—€3539 per month
  • University graduate
  • 3564



Princetonlaan 8a, 3584CB, Utrecht

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