PhD personalizing treatment for progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis

PhD personalizing treatment for progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis

Published Deadline Location
12 Feb 4 Mar Groningen

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Job description

Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis (PFIC) comprises a group of rare, severe liver diseases in children. Different types of PFIC have been identified, based on loss-of-function mutations in several genes involved in bile formation, leading to bile acid-induced liver damage. Patients with PFIC develop progressive deterioration of liver function that frequently evolves in the need for liver transplantation. The treatment of patients with PFIC diseases has long been largely symptomatic, but more recently major progress has been made. Medical therapies have been developed that target bile acid homeostasis, such as via interruption of the enterohepatic circulation (Apical Sodium-dependent Bile acid Transporter inhibitors, or ASBTi). In 2017, the NAtural course and Prognosis of PFIC and Effect of biliary Diversion (NAPPED) registry was launched, and in 2023 the TreatFIC registry. These registries have created the opportunity to investigate rare liver diseases in a large patient population. Since their start, these registries have become global networks focusing on increasing our understanding the pathophysiology and improving the treatment strategies of PFIC diseases. The registries are still expanding in number of global centers that contribute to the registries and in number of patients included in the registries.

Within the present PhD project you will address further personalization on predictability of disease course and responsiveness to treatments, including ASBTi, in different types of PFIC. You will maintain and expand the NAPPED and TreatFIC registries and will apply epidemiological methods to determine detailed genotype-phenotype relationships and responses of ASBTi treatment on disease course. Within this PhD project you have a major contribution towards personalized treatments for PFIC diseases. You will work in a team consisting of PhD-students, post-docs and technicians that are supervised by principal investigators, in collaboration with Prof. Bettina Hansen (Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam).


University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG)


- MSc degree in medicine, pharmacy, biomedical/biopharmaceutical sciences or related discipline;
- Experience in expanding and handling epidemiological data and/or large datasets;
- Interest in (pediatric) hepatology and pharmacology;
- Communication skills for international collaborations;
- Strong motivation to succeed in scientific research;
- Independent and well-structured working style;
- Accurate and flexible;
- Well-developed social skills directed to work in a team.

The UMCG has a preventive Hepatitis B policy. The UMCG can provide you with the vaccination, should it be required for your position.
In case of specific professions a ‘Certificate of Good Conduct’ is required.

Conditions of employment

- Employment basis: temporary for specific period;
- Duration of the contract: four years;
- Maximum hours per week: 36;
- Your salary will be a minimum of € 2.901,- gross per month in the first year and a maximum of € 3.677,- gross per month (scale PRO) in the final (4th) year, based on a full-time appointment. In addition, the UMCG will offer you 8% holiday pay, and 8.3% end-of-year bonus. The conditions of employment comply with the Collective Labour Agreement for Medical Centres (CAO-UMC).

Applying for a job
The UMCG would prefer to receive your job application in digital form. You can use the digital application form at the foot of this page. Alternatively, you may apply for this vacancy in writing, not later than March 4, 2024, by sending your application to:
University Medical Center Groningen, Wervingssecretariaat LB 13, P.O. Box 30.001, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands


Beatrix Kinderziekenhuis

The Department of Pediatrics, division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). This division oversees the best possible care for pediatric patients with gastroenteric and hepatic diseases, including pre- and post-liver transplantation care. The division has a prominent role, in research and teaching (e.g. medical students, residents). As this project includes personalization of (drug) treatment for PFIC patients, there is a close collaboration with the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology of the UMCG. We are eager to educate and train the next generation of academic professionals.


  • Research, development, innovation; PhD
  • Health
  • max. 36 hours per week
  • max. €2901 per month
  • University graduate
  • 240144


University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG)

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Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ, Groningen

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