Head Data System Architect

Head Data System Architect

Published Deadline Location
7 Mar 15 Apr Delft

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Designing the nation-wide data infrastructure with which the Netherlands will create eXtra Resilient (XR), sustainable, and climate-adaptive crops by adopting a smart data approach.

Job description

We are searching for the head data system architect with a vision to design a scalable infrastructure combining cloud systems, high performance computing, storage and distribution of complex data streams, systems to learn machine and mechanistic models, and who has an affinity with plant biology. As such you should be comfortable with designing a data lake and/or data warehouse optimized for agricultural data. You should be at ease with various data storage models including relational databases, object storage, and other storage modalities. Importantly, you base decisions on acquired technical expertise to model complex relationships tailored to agricultural informatics needs.The nation-wide infrastructure will be built as part of the National Growth fund CropXR program in which more then 50 business partners and four universities take part. To setup this DataXR infrastructure a significant team will be appointed that will implement your vision on sharing and analysing data (a budget of ~10ME is reserved for that). Your job will include integrating the needs of many partners, building the expert team, as well as collaborating with multidisciplinary implementation teams and data providers.


Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)


Master degree in computer science or related field. Proven technical expertise on design and implementation of data infrastructures. For example, experience with setting up data warehouses or data lakes. Experience and certification with (a) major cloud provider(s) is considered a plus. Experience with hybrid architectures is a plus. Affinity with designing and implementing data models that meet both technical and business needs. Proven ability to work effectively within multidisciplinary teams. Fluent in written and spoken English. Strong desire to contribute shaping the data infrastructure of the future for academic and industrial plant biology.     

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: 5 years.

Appointment will be a the Delft University of Technology, within the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), ensuring a strong engineering embedding. Intense collaborations with other partners is required.

  • A salary based on scale 10 or 11 (depending on the working experiencce and education level of the candidate) of the CAO for Dutch Universities with a minimum of € 3.226 - € 5.090, (scale 10) € 4.332 - € 5.929 (schale 11) gross per month based on a fulltime contract (38 hours), plus 8% holiday allowance and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3%.
  • An excellent pension scheme via the ABP.
  • The possibility to compile an individual employment package every year.
  • Discount with health insurers.
  • Flexible working week.
  • Every year, 232 leave hours (at 38 hours). You can also sell or buy additional leave hours via the individual choice budget.
  • Plenty of opportunities for education, training and courses.
  • Partially paid parental leave
  • Attention for working healthy and energetically with the vitality program.


Delft University of Technology

Delft University of Technology is built on strong foundations. As creators of the world-famous Dutch waterworks and pioneers in biotech, TU Delft is a top international university combining science, engineering and design. It delivers world class results in education, research and innovation to address challenges in the areas of energy, climate, mobility, health and digital society. For generations, our engineers have proven to be entrepreneurial problem-solvers, both in business and in a social context.

At TU Delft we embrace diversity as one of our core values and we actively engage to be a university where you feel at home and can flourish. We value different perspectives and qualities. We believe this makes our work more innovative, the TU Delft community more vibrant and the world more just. Together, we imagine, invent and create solutions using technology to have a positive impact on a global scale. That is why we invite you to apply. Your application will receive fair consideration.

Challenge. Change. Impact!


Faculty Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) brings together three scientific disciplines, with two Computer Science departments: Software technology and Intelligent Systems (both affiliated with this position). EEMCS drives the TU Delft AI Initiative that unites and strengthens the AI, data and digitalisation developments at TU Delft. The Computer Science departments recently initiated a dedicated Research Engineering task force that supports all researchers with complex computer science implementations. Expertise that you can exploit.

Click here to go to the website of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science.


CropXR was launched in 2023 to help make agricultural production less vulnerable to climate change and less dependent on artificial fertilizers and chemical pesticides. The institute is a joint venture of the universities of Amsterdam, Delft, Wageningen and Utrecht in partnership with Plantum, the Dutch plant breeding sector association. CropXR brings together efforts from different academic disciplines (such as plant sciences, computational and data sciences, and social sciences) and private industry to help bring about sustainable change. It receives support from NWO, the Dutch National Growth Fund, and the Foundation for Food & Agricultural Research. Learn more about CropXR at cropx.org


  • IT
  • 36—40 hours per week
  • University graduate
  • TUD05074


Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)

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Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD, Delft

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