Amsterdam UMC
You will be housed in the
Exosomes Research Group, an internationally-oriented laboratory embedded in the department of Pathology at Amsterdam UMC. You will closely collaborate with the department of hematology and radiology, pioneering combinatiorial approaches for non-invasive (molecular) diagnostics. We work with large collections of patient material from different clinical studies and serially bio-banked samples stored at the liquid biopsy center of the
Cancer Center Amsterdam (CCA). You will be part of the joint graduate school of Amsterdam UMC Cancer Center Amsterdam and Netherlands Cancer Institute, VU and UvA (OOA) dedicated to the training of more than 1000 PhD students working in the field of Oncology. Finally, you will collaborate with the CRUK Manchester Institute Cancer Biomarker Centre, with Dr Mouliere, an international expert in next-generation cfDNA analysis.